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I picked up. "Hello, Chai Yinnil here", I said carefully. "Hello,I'm manager at JYP Entertainment. I received a recommendation to invite you to an audition. Do you have time tomorrow?", asked a nice woman voice on the other side.

"Ofcourse, which time?", I asked happily. "Is 10:30 okay for you?", she answered. "Yeah this would be okay", I couldn't hide how happy I am. "Till tomorrow", she hang up.

From now on I practiced harder for my audition. I wanted to learn the whole night but my neighbour bashed hard against the wall. I guess I should sleep now but before I do I write Ryujin a message about my luck. I set an alarm and slept for 5 hours.

As my alarm rings I would love to throw my phone against the wall but do I want also break my phone? NO. So my breakfast are some ramen. I did not find anything else what is cheap and delicious.

I dressed myself, put my hair into a high ponytail and put my best perfume on. I think I'm ready. I found an address on the Internet.
20 minutes away from here. I came on foot because, well, I can't afford anything else anyway.

As I entered the room a boy came to me.  "Hey, do you know where the auditions here are?",he looks very handsome. His hair were so soft and his smile. Whatever. "Sorry, I don't know but I'm also here for the Auditions.", I looked deeply in his eyes.

"I guess it's there", he pointed on the place upstairs. We ran against the time. I don't know what would happen if we are late.

Infront of a big Door were four girls and four boys. "Hey, are here the auditions?", the boy asked the others. A girl just nodded. I was purely happy I'm not late for my first audition.

A woman with glasses came out of the room. "Welcome to JYP Entertainment special auditions. We got a recommendation for all of you but actually just two of you could join the Entertainment. Just one girl and one boy will take a space as trainee.", she explained. "Lee Yuli, you're first", she goes back into the room with one of the girls.

"What's your name?", I asked the boy. "I'm Yoon Ki. What's about you?", he answered.
"I'm Chai Yinnil but please just call me Yinny. It sounds actually better.", I like his name but mine is just ugh. I mean what if the whole world just knew you as Yinnil. It's actually so boring.

"Why do you decide for JYP Entertainment?", he asked me while he searching up for a water bottle in his backpack. "I was at YG but they kicked me. Because a good friend is a trainee here, I thought why not.", I reached him my bottle.

"I'm  here because I'm searching for a bigger company. I'm currently under a no name but I have to get successful to pay everything back what I broke.", He took the bottle thankfully.

"I need to be a trainee, to help my mom cause the time after my dad died she had to take more jobs to get her and my siblings over water.", I convinced to him. "I need to be a trainee to fix my damage. I was a bad boy, I set my school on fire and were a bully to two kids.", He looks very serious.

"It seems to me that you are aware of your mistakes", I tried to comfort the situation because I don't know what to do with this information. "Thank you but-", he was interrupted by the woman conducting the audition. "Chai Yinnil", she called my name.

I entered the room and four persons sat infront of me. "Welcome", the man with glasses greeted me. "Please introduce yourself", he added.

"I'm Chai Yinnil. I'm born May 23, 2002 so I'm Seventeen now. I'm 172cm tall and my current weight is round about by 40 kilograms. I'm here to audition for a rap position.", I tried to tell everything what's important for the first glance.

"What is the track you going to perform for us today?", the women with long brown hair asked me. "Hellevator by Stray kids", I answered quick.

The song starts and I was so nervous. First was the intro and than was the rap part. All of them looked very surprised. I tried to overshadow my nerves with my performance. As the song ends my anxiety overcome me and I shake on the whole body.

"Thank you", the woman who lead me in also leads me out. I was searching for Ki but I couldn't find him. "Yinny!", a familiar voice called my name behind me. I slowly turned around. "Ryujin", my face got the biggest smile.

"How was it? Do you think it's good", she questioned me directly. "I mean they didn't looked disgusted, I guess it's not negative", I joked.

"What brings you here?", I asked. "We have a break from work and I thought you maybe need mental support. But I can go I you want", she said. "I want you to stay with me", I stopped her from leaving. The answer from her was a soft smile what was the loudest answer I ever get.

"We need 30 minutes to discuss about our new trainees, you can do whatever you want in this time.", confirmed the woman.

"Do you want to go in a coffee shop with me?", I asked Ryujin. "I would love to", she took my hand and lead me into and small shop. Her hand feels so good, they were soft but also feels so protective.

"I recommend you to drink the ice coffee with vanilla milk, sounds weird but taste actually really good.", it sounds actually really weird but I love experiments and I trust her. I don't think she would recommend me things herself wouldn't drink it.

"Two vanilla ice coffees", I ordered. "That makes 10000 won.", I payed the offer and I wanted to take a free place in the near but Ryujin pulled me to a place that's very hideout.

"Did you slept good?", she asked me this random question. "Well yeah, I just got five hours but I'm fine", after I told her that she looked very serious to me. "You have to sleep more", I felt like I was traveling with my grandma. she was always so overprotecting. Wait means she really likes me. It's just so surprising because I've never really had anyone accept me.

In school I got bullied by some kids, they makes me uncomfortable about my looks. They said I'm ugly. As child I was a little bit more than chubby and that's what they love to take to make me down. That's also a reason why I eat really rarely. I don't want to be this girl again.

As the realization came, the time with her was more comfortable for me and i open myself more. We drank up and went back to the company.

"Wish you luck", she said before I went into the room to get the result. I was so nervous.

𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐃𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐑 ; 𝖨𝗍𝗓𝗒'𝗌 𝟨𝗍𝗁 𝗆𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖾𝗋 Where stories live. Discover now