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Trigger warning for death and injury my lovelies <33 Keep yourselves safe for me 


He was running. his heart racing. If he can live through this encounter, then living on the bus with the boys should be easy. The person - No, the thing, - chasing him isn't human. It couldn't possibly be, because last time He checked, humans did not have blue scales, or talons the size of small children. The growl that had erupted from the creature had caused Pete to start running. 

He had gone looking for an adventure, something that maybe would've provided a cool story to tell to the people who attended their concerts, not death - though, after finding out a creature like this exists, Pete wants nothing more than to hide, and die a very peaceful death. The thing stopping that, of course, was the thoughts of his fedora-wearing, brown-eyed, teddy bear of a friend.


He had made Patrick a promise, years ago, and he intends to keep that promise. He couldn't bear the thought of seeing his friend so torn up because Pete didn't do as he was told, again. He didn't have much time to think, right now. All he could hear were his desperate footsteps running away, and the paw-steps (he has no idea what to call them, are they paws? do they count?) of the thing behind him. 

He doesn't want to die. He needs to outrun this, lose it somehow. But that seems impossible. Pete faltered slightly, before speeding up. He needs to lose the creature. He doesn't want to become shark - or whatever - bait, an oddity. He needs to make it to Patrick. 

A building came into site. The venue. Pete began to speed up, he needs to make it inside. The inside is safe, Patrick is inside. Patrick's safe. He needs to get to him, quickly, without losing a limb. 

That is what he would've said, if me, your narrator, wasn't a sucker for the main character falling over. Pete's foot got caught on a loose branch, sending him to the rocky ground. That hurt, not as much as what was about to happen. 

Except, as you probably predicted, nothing did happen. Pete was waiting for an impact that didn't happen. All he could hear was yelling, and to be quite honest, although he'd never admit it, he thought he was dead. He thought everything had ended, and that he had done enough bad to end up in hell. 

But the person wasn't yelling randomly, he was yelling at Pete. Fear was dripping from his words, fear for his friend.  The words meant nothing to Pete, he could barely hear them over the adrenaline pumping in his veins, his heart beating in his ears. 

A pair of arms wrapped themselves around Pete, gently picking him up. Pete has never felt safer, moving to get closer to the person who saved his life. 

Patrick just smiled softly. carrying Pete inside. No one needed to know that he had saved the older man, he'd let Pete have a story to tell, even if it wasn't true. 

He'd let Pete have this win.

Peterick/trohley oneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang