Chapter 15- Final

Start from the beginning

"Pinkie promise," I agreed, linking my finger with his. He pulled my hand to him and pressed a light kiss on my pinkie.

"Okay. Go dump that bitch."


I hesitantly knocked on the door of what was technically my own house. I wasn't particularly surprised when Jesse opened it. I was furious at first to find out that Katelynne cheated on me with one of my best friends, but I was sort of cheating on her with Vic now. It was pretty much a moot point.

"Hey, I was wondering when you'd turn up. Kate's in the living room. I'll be upstairs if you need me," Jesse informed me. I nodded, watching him go up into Copeland's old room, probably to clean it out.

The stairs were carpeted now.

"Hi," I greeted my wife, sitting at the opposite end of the couch from her. Katelynne didn't acknowledge me, merely turned a page in her magazine. I had a strong feeling of deja vu back to our last decent night as an unhappily married couple. I focused on what I had to say.

"You said it yourself, we were never meant to be together. And now you hate me, and I can't really say I'm all too fond of you either. I'm almost glad that you and Vic switched bodies, or maybe I'd still be fooling myself into thinking you were the one for me. I want to file for divorce," I explained bluntly. Katelynne finally glanced up at me and I noticed how ghoulish she looked. Her eyes had dark circles under them, and her hair was hanging in greasy strings. I'd tried to kill myself, but Katelynne was taking this just as hard as I was.

"That's fine. Bring the papers and I'll sign them. I don't care anymore," Katelynne said flatly.

"Alright, I'll drop by the courthouse and pick them up. Do we need a divorce lawyer for who gets what, or..." I trailed off. Katelynne shrugged, looking bored.

"I'll take my car, you take yours. You can keep the house and whatever furniture you think you need, and I'll take what's left. I'm going to my parents' house in a few weeks, so as long as everything's sorted out by then, I don't have a problem with it," Katelynne mumbled. Her voice was low and hollow, almost hard to understand. I nodded uncomfortably and stood up. Katelynne returned to her magazine, blankly flipping a page. I sighed, turning to face her again.

"Katelynne, you can't live like this forever," I reprimanded.

"Why not? My baby's dead. My marriage has always been a total bust. Tony doesn't give a damn what happens to me. I have Jesse, but he's going back to Ashley the first chance he gets. I have nothing left. If I have to feel this forever, I'd rather feel nothing at all," Katelynne lamented. I strode back over to my wife and rested a hand on her shoulder.

"That's not true. You have your parents, and Jesse, and friends who do want to help you feel better. And if nothing else, you have me. I don't love you, but I care about you and I want you to be okay again. I know I'm the last person you want to talk to, but if you need anything, you can come to me. Copeland would have wanted you to be happy," I reminded her. Katelynne looked up at me, tears shining in her eyes.

"Thanks, Kellin," she whispered, placing her hand on top of mine that rested on her shoulder for a moment. When she pulled away, I left without another word.

Vic's POV

I waited nervously for Kellin to return home, sitting at the kitchen table with my leg bouncing at a million miles an hour.

"Vic, if you don't sit still, I will cut your leg off and shove it up your ass," Jaime told me. Lisa laughed melodically and Tony twined his fingers with hers.

"Come on, Hime, we all know that Vic tops," Lisa insisted, giggling. I rolled my eyes, occupied with my thoughts. What if Kellin decided to stay with Katelynne? What if he thought he could make it work with her? I realized that I must've accidentally spoken out loud.

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