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Mistake #3

Mercedes (POV)

Sharing my ipod with Rhiannon, we nodded our heads to 50 cent, In da club.

Go go go, go shawty, it's your birthday. We 'gon' party like its your birthday, we 'gon' sip bacardi like its your birthday, and you know we don't give a fuck cos its your birthday!

 Such a good dancing tune! I could already feel a routine coming on, floor sweep, with a flip...good ideas. From the look on Rhiannon's face, she was thinking up something. Then the door opened...everyone stopped talking and stood to their feet, all the girls were tittering, flicking their hair to see if this mysterious guy would spare them a second. I kept my face blank, but i HAVE to say. This guy is sexy, ripped, eight pack by the look of it, gorgeous, definately will make my bed rock. He didnt have the smooth muscles of a footballer, but more ripped. An eight pack, chiselled chin with a sexy jaw...that..uh oh. Clenched when he looked at me. What did I do? Then the teacher Mr mcaulimare? I think it was that.

"Mr Squires, how lovely it is for us to be honoured with your arrogant, tardy, yet excelling manner right now. May I ask why you are so late? AGAIN."

I never knew the old guy had it in him. He accentuated on the AGAIN with such oomph, you would never think he had severe Asthma. This guy, whoever he was, glowered at the teacher with such an empowering glare, that if it were me being glared at, I would drop to the floor. But all Mr Mcaulimare did was meet his glare full on.

"Someone stole my parking space!" He hissed menacingly. All the while he was looking at me. Oh I get it! I stole it! Hahahaa! I chortled quietly. Until...

"YOU! Did you take my parking spot new girl?" He barked.

My head whipped up, I made my eyes wide and innocent. I buried my face and my hands and groaned. "S-s-s-sorry if I took it, no one told me it was reserved! I'm really sorry! Will you forgive me?" I fake pleaded, bringing in some tears I looked into his eyes. I heard platinum bitch huff. But this guy was gullible.  His eyes remained hard but he relaxed. "Don't do it again." Was all he could come up with, then he went to sit in the seat next to me. I couldn't help but growl, "Don't even think about it!" He looked suprised at my sudden change of attitude but he hardened his gaze, "I never do what people tell me to do." He retorted in the same tone. Oh. What a thrill I thought to myself. As he shrugged his shoulders, the outline of his muscles tensed, and if i were one of those girls giggling, i would've melted, but it seems like they already have.

He sat down and slouched, his eyes were fixed on me. I couldn't help but feel naked and vulnerable under those gleaming eyes. i could feel it pressing me as it went up and down. He leaned towards my ear, until, i reached up quickly and backhanded him. His head didnt even turn, he stared at me and carried on leaning. Well that was one of my weak back hands. I could tell this guy was a complete player. Feeling his cool breath on my ear, he whispered, "I bet you $50 bucks I can kiss you with out using my lips." I smirked. And without a blink gave him a sucker punch, his head flew up. "What the frigging HELL!" He yelled, i smirked again, this was purely for my entertainment, and guess what? This was hilarious. His chin was going a glorious shade of purple blue.

"You tried to kiss me." I told him matter-of-factedly while shrugging my shoulders. "And you kidded me as a prostitute like blondie over there." I continued nodding to blondie.

I heard her mutter incoherently, "what did you say? Oh you finally used your first condom last night with Dale here, i congratulate you on your realisation that you have an STD." Now her mouth fell open. I laughed, joined with titters of people in the class.

"I do not have an STD! I am clean and my name is Carly actually and i can sue you in ten seconds byatch, and paws off! Dale is mine!" She blushed when she realised what she just said. "I-i-i meant that she shouldn't go for you, i mean she's completely tacky and all." She stuttered. I raised my eyes.

"A bit protective aren't we?" I nudged Dale, "hey I didnt know you fucked your mother. She's quite protective of you, and she didnt even deny having sex with you last night." I leaned forward and ruffled his hair, "Awwwww, what a great first impression!" I dropped my hand too tired to continue this shit. I faced Rhiannon and put the headphone back in my ear. I heard Carly slump in her chair still muttering. I'm suprised the tteacher didnt throw a book at me, I was literally shouting across the classroom and all i heard was his weasy chuckle.

Then all of a sudden my head was turned and full lips crashed down on mine, HE held them there for ten seconds and then let go. Ignoring the tingling feeling, i looked him in the eye looking absolutely DISGUSTED. "Urrgghh, why in the name of sheeps ass did you kiss me?"

He smiled, "Well i guess i lost the bet then." He replied.

"Watch it bucko, your already on hate and need to kill list." I glared.

"Atleast you need me for something." He smirked and ruffled my hair, copying my actions. I knew he would take it the wrong way, i know him for only half an hour andi know a lot about his behaviour. I slapped his hand away.

Then the bell rang, I grabbed a shocked looking Rhiannon and fled the classroom. Just I was out the door i heard a screechy voice crying "Dale!" Oh great Platinum bitch is part of his harem. When did life become so good? Want to remind me? I walked slowly, because obviously Rhiannon had some questions. My ears were assaulted with, "What was THAT?" I was like, Ow! My fucking ears byatch. And then came the sensible question, "Why did he kiss you?" I shrugged, and she shrugged, then it was just shrugging. We both stopped, looked at each other and burst out laughing. I mean, what dweebs. Shrugging like idiots? It's a laughing matter. I love my best friend, no homo. We trudged through the busy hall, then that all to famouts voice hailed my ears, "Jinx!" I ignored him and carried on walking, i had no time for his gimmicks. I know, like what a word to use? Someone grabbed my shoulder softly, and half the girls stopped to stare. Oh no, I knew what he was going to do. Loud and clear, he stated his reason.

"You forgot your $50, thanks for the favour though." I glared, took it, and made a motion to put it down my bra, his eyes slightly bulged. Great he was distracted. I slowly grapped a bottle of water, squeezing my chest together slightly, so he kept his attention there, great, i slowly pulled at the waistband of his trousers, i put the note in, i looked at his gaze, still staring at my boobs, so then i chucked the icy cold water into his trousers. I counted to five, 1-2-3-4-5...."What the fuck bitch!" Dale squires was now clutching his jeans and he now looked like he pissed himself, with the $50 there too.

I turned, then turned round and said, "The pleasure was not wanted, but thanks for the money." I glanced at his trousers, "But you keep it." I smirked, linked my bestfriend and skipped off.

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