𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑥𝑖

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Y/n's pov

"Please keep a close eye on him", I repeated hoping Kyle would understand what I'm telling him. "Relax you know I'm good with keeping an eye on kids", he replied. "I'm trusting you Kyle", I stated. "...Almost had a heart attack just now whoo don't worry you have my wor-Tenko wrong theatre WRONG THEATRE", he started shouting before the phone disconnected. I moved my phone away from my ear to look at the screen. I let out a tired sigh. He better watch him. I should wait out the theatre just in case. I could lie saying I was out to buying groceries.

I got up off the couch and headed for the front door. I opened it and stepped out. I made my way towards the mailbox to check if I got any mail. I opened it seeing there was nothing inside. I closed it. Before I could go back inside someone called out for me. I looked to my left seeing it was All Might?

"Pleasant day today!", he beamed as he made his way towards me with a gift box in his hand. "Yeah it is", I replied turning to face him. "Here for your son", he said holding the gift box out towards me. I looked down at it. It didn't smell of poison, a bomb it anything else. I took it from his hands. I took on he tag seeing it said "To Tenko, From AM :)".

"He will be pleased. How did you remember his name", I questioned. "I remember all my fans name, I wouldn't be where I am without them", he smiled. "Unless you have some kind of medical condition where you have to I highly doubt it, so I will ask again how do you remembered his name and find out where he is currently living at", I asked again placing the gift box down on the ground beside me. His smile dropped a bit turning into a small one.

"...This may shock you, but your son is the grandchild of my predecessor", All Might informed me. I just stared at him. It was silent for a couple of minutes. He still had that proud and hopeful smile on his face. The one that makes people's chest filled with content, peace and protection. I felt nothing. I had nothing against All Might nor heroes, but I felt nothing when in their presence. No joy, fear, anger, nothing. I have no need for them to save me nor my son.

"That is a shock", I spoke. "It will be hard to adjust to these arrangements-What arrangements", I questioned. "He would have to come live with me and become my apprentice, I can help him become an extradinary hero", he explained. "Tenko will be attending UA when he is of age, he does not need extra assistance", I replied. All Might released a sigh. "Please...", he began taking my hands into his huge ones.

"...I admit I was young, but I have to do this. He is the grandchild of a powerful and admirable hero. I fear others would come after him knowing who he was affiliated with you may be caught int he cross lines", he explained. "I can protect him, I don't need your help", I replied my face not faltering in the slightest. I noticed his grip was getting tighter and tighter. My bones were starting to crack.

"..Please I have to do this for my master", he said before he could break my hands one of my tendrils shout out from my back, It went right under my arm straight to his stomach like a bullet.

Before All Might could jump away it shot straight through his stomach. In a instant All Might sent a punch straight for my face, caving in my face. I went flying back my tendril ripping out form his stomach as I did; the bones and sharp edges around it should leave a nasty stomach wound. I went tumbling against the ground harshly, my skin getting scraped up. I was able to stop myself then get back up. I could feel my skull fixing itself up; the bones shifting back into my place, teeth regrowing back in black and my skin shifting. When my face was fully healed I wiped the stray blood that was coming out of my nose with my thumb then focused back on All Might.

All Might was holding his stomach. His breath was ragged and blood was dribbling down the side of his mouth. I didn't think I would hurt him that much.

"I would have only smacked you if you hadn't try crushing my hands", I informed my two boney tendrils lifting up into the air, hovering beside me. The red irises shining brightly. My two huge fat butterfly wings sprouted upward.

"You're truly a monster", he replied anger in his voice. "I'm just a concerned mother", I replied. "Give me the boy or else", he threatened.

"I don't think you understand the problem you have started", I replied. "If you were able to locate my current residency then you must be aware of what type of person I am", I pointed out. "....You killed and eaten innocent men, women, and children", he stated. "Have you no shame, if you're truly a mother then you would feel sorry for them", he barked.

"I am doing what needs to be done to survive; I always put my life before others", I stated. "So you should take the words I am about to say next to heart, mind and soul", I added my one eye glowing red surrounded by a black pool that was my sclera. The two fat butterfly wings squirming behind me.

"Come near me or my son I won't hesitate to eat him", I threatened. His eyes widened proving he didn't know I was lying.

"YOU WOULD GO AS FAR AS TO EAT YOUR ONE AND ONLY OWN SON", he shouted. "Did you not hear what I said earlier", I questioned. "I do what I need to survive", I repeated. "Whoever I feed off I gain their quirks", I lied. "I was given the job to raise the boy in hopes he control his quirk, he is free to choose whatever path he wishes...of course he choses the one I do not agree with I have the choice to devour him and inherit the quirk", I explained. "Impossible", he coughed.

"You have the choice to kill me All Might, but my son will develop a special kind of hatred for you and your heroes if you do so", I added. "He has already learned forgiveness when I told him about my eating habits", I stated.

"You're a monster, a damn parasite", he sneered standing straight up, his hand still covering the hole in his stomach. "Good you're now understanding my words; My son will be just another dead host to me and soon to be forgotten if you so much as fly over my home", I stated retracted my tendrils back into my body.

"Are we clear", I questioned walking towards him stopping in front of my home where he stood. He was quiet. His hand was now covered in his blood. It smelled tangy.

"I will save him, no matter what", he promised to himself. "All Might, If you weren't able to save your master then I advise you to stop making fake promises", I replied. "Like you said today is a good day, so enjoy it", I finished then turned around and began heading back into my home. Once inside I turned around to look at All Might one last time. He gave me a look of anger before taking off into the sky creating small crater where he stood.

Once I was sure he was gone I closed the front door and locked it.

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Parasyte || Mother! Y/n and child! ShigarakiWhere stories live. Discover now