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A/n: What's up!! I'm back with Chapter 7! Just wanted to say Happy Pride Month!!! I'm sorry it's been awhile since chapter 6 but I kinda lost all motivation and now I'm bored so here I am lol. Hope you enjoy though!


No Pov

You woke up in a dark room and instantly thought the worst happened.

'Where am I??? A dark room.... Was I kidnapped!?!!'

Mac:"Look who's finally awake..."

"Huh? Mac? Where the hell am I?"

Mac:"My place, specifically my bedroom right now though Starlight.'

"Owww Why does my head hurt so fucking bad!?" You said falling back from your sitting position.

Mac:"You drank quit a bit last night..."

"Wait... What seriously? Did I same s9me weird shit?"

Mac:"Other than the fact that you said you were the theif and the reincarnation of an old lover if mine nope...'

"I said what??......"

Mac:"Yep and you were acting like I was some random guy..."

"God damnit I'm so sorry Mac...'

Mac:" No worries, I mean as long as you aren't really the theif I'm good...."

"Well good thing I'm not right? Hahaha...."

He then uses his shadows and pins you to his bed.

Mac:"So Y/n... What did you do to the necklace?"

His voice was filled with so much venom and hatred for you right then and there.


Mac:"You heard me theif.."

You were scared but you thought about something and idea to help you out, but you decided against it unless things get worse.





Yún:"Yes how can I-"

Mac:"You weren't lying last night..."

"Nope!! Hahaha.. Forgive me i-'

Mac:" How do you know that name?!?!!"

Yún:"He can't see me..."

"That would have been helpful to know!'

Yún:" I'm sorry I didn't think this would happen!!"

Yún was so worried that they didn't know what to do right now.

Mac:"Who the hell are you talking to!?'

"I'm sorry!! When I'm Drunk I tell the truth! The necklace is at my apartment in one of my books...'

Mac:" Ok... But who are you talking to?'

"Yún.. What do I do in this situation?"

Yún:"I dont know... I've never been in this situation personally..."

"Oh you've gotta be shitting me..'

Mac:" What is going on right now....?"

Right then through one of his shadows Sun and Mk appeared.

Sun:"Huh?? Woah! What kind of kinky shit are you two doing?'

Mac:"He's the theif..."







"Wait... You can see them??!'

Sun:"Well yeah can't everyone?'

Mac:" No??"


Sun:"Oh my god.. Wait so is he your reincarnation??'


"I just wanna go home...."

Mac:"I have to get the necklace anyway so let's go..."

Mk:"Yay sleepover!!'

Sun:"Huh? But it's literally the middle of the day kid!"

Mk:"So? We can just hang out all day!'


A/n: Hope you guys enjoyed this small chapter and hopefully I will write chapter 8 at some point but who knows 🤷‍♂️ anyway.....


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2022 ⏰

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