I need assistance

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Joking joking, I love you 😘



Oh wait, hi everyone! How are you all feeling?
Great? Me too, okay-

I need helppp
Lately, I've really been wanting to write some oneshots, but I don't know how you guys would like me to write them.
Of course, I can make them however you'd like; but I don't exactly know how you'd like them.

I've also been wanting to write some OnlyOneOf scenarios/imagines, but nobody here stans OnlyOneOf, so that makes things a bit difficult.
Then again, I could just write anything and everything I want, and you guys can simply read what you like!

Well, in that case, I guess in the future you guys are going to come across some chapters in which you don't know the idols or group...

But that's okay!
We can all have fun with it ;)

Regarding me needing assistance; I still do.
I don't want to make a handful of oneshots about people you don't know, because one of the main reasons that I write is so that you guys can enjoy it; it's not just for me.

In conclusion, I will likely write oneshots, scenarios, imagines etc. about whatever group I feel like writing about at that moment, and you guys can always recommend a group, idea, or make requests! ❤

 about whatever group I feel like writing about at that moment, and you guys can always recommend a group, idea, or make requests! ❤

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Guys, this is my boyfriend~ 💘💓💖💝
(Hopefully y'all know I'm joking)

Yongsoo best boy 💕

Sorry, I'm a weirdo and I want attention at the moment 😅

Anyway, bye bye 😂😗

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