Origins! Of Lumine and Aether, totally not copy pasted from reddit

Start from the beginning

"Your journey will become very dangerous from now on," So that person told you. "I don't know if this cloth will do anything to protect you but..."

The Traveler is able to recall his departure with "that person" who leaves them a cloth, which is are eventually turned into the Wings of Descension. This person is likely to be their mother, or a mother figure who seems to have had to leave Aether and Lumine under dire circumstances, having them set off on an adventure.

It was indeed so-

In your long journey, you have seen the birth and death of stars as they passed you by,

Long journey? How long exactly would this journey even be? They've crossed across several worlds and have even seen the creation and destruction of stars. Would this be normally, how in our world stars die after billions of years, or are there other forces at play, such as the intentional creation and destruction by higher beings? Could the process of travelling between worlds be like travelling through space in a rocket, and on the way it was possible for them to see how stars were born and how they died?

"But when you face a force enough to destroy one, or perhaps even two worlds,"

You do not truly remember who it was who had treated the two of you ever so gently. You wish you could remember...

"That person" knows that a a threat could exist possible of eliminating two worlds. This could possibly be the Unknown God, who could be involved in the cataclysmic event that shook Teyvat to it's core 500 years ago, or something else.

The next line also confirms both Aether and Lumine were sent together, as the narrator for our journey refers to two people, however (as long as you use PS4), the traveler will always be the one with the cloth given by that person, or there are 2 copies. The Traveler does not remember who "that person" is, perhaps because it's been so long that they've forgotten, or they were too young to remember. This person likely represents a parent figure for Aether and Lumine.

"When you face a boundless darkness, or an all-consuming radiance..."

But that was one world ago.

I really don't know what it means by this statement, but I could guess and say the events of the last world they were in ended up in their arrival to Teyvat - either affected by a boundless darkness or an all-consuming radiance.

You no longer need to sleep out in the wild.

This particularly struck me, as it would mean previously the two twins would sleep out in the wild, for some reason unknown. Was it lack of knowledge of the world? Lack of money? Rejection from society for being of a foreign world? Until confirmed, the possibilities are endless.

u/joe-fada suggested that the 'wild' could just mean uninhabited parts of the Universe, which is an interesting take and makes a lot of sense.

So from the moment you received that wind glider from that girl, you already had thought of a new use for that cloth...

Refers to Amber giving Traveller the glider for the first time and then deciding to use the cloth to decorate the glider - A symbol of unity with "that person", maybe.

And now, you shall once again soar through the skies with it.

The choice of words imply that this cloth was once used to soar through the sky - maybe just that it was brought with the traveller when they travel between worlds, and that's how they remember flying with it.

Now, we can begin to talk about the Sword of Descension, which seems to narrate the hardships the twins experienced while travelling through worlds.

Only one who has challenged the "world" may wield this sword.

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