Ch. 20: Late Night in Brooklyn

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Spot was acting strange. He didn't make flirty remarks like he usually did. He didn't even give me his signature smirk as much anymore. He just wasn't himself. It was concerning. 

I got exactly what I wanted. I hated it. When I thought this was what I wanted I didn't realize that what I wanted wasn't actually what I wanted. I wasn't sure what happened to him, but I didn't like it. 

So I didn't go to Brooklyn as much. It just wasn't as fun anymore. Instead I was left trying to find entertainment from the Manhattan newsies. But all they ever did was talk about girls recently, which didn't exactly spark my interest. 

Boredom hit me harder than usual one day. I was laying in bed, staring at the ceiling. I couldn't sleep. I could hardly close my eyes. I needed to do something or I would explode. 

I hopped out of bed, almost falling on my face. I pulled on my clothes and slid into my shoes. I put on my hat. Well actually it was Spot's hat. I still hadn't given it back. 

Just as I was about to exit the door I heard a voice behind me. "Where are ya goin'?" I turned to see Jack sitting up in his bunk. That was strange, he was usually a heavy sleeper. 

"Not sure yet," I said with a shrug. 

"Who is that?" 

"Nicky. Why're you awake?" 

"Couldn't sleep. Why're you awake?" 

"Same as you." 

There was silence for a few moments. "Where are ya goin'?" He asked again. Either he was really tired or he didn't listen to a word I said. 

"I just told ya. I dunno." 

He hopped out of bed. "Can I come?" 

I groaned. I was hoping to just get some air by myself. "I guess. But ya can't bug me." 

I could see him salute. "Yes sir- uhm- Yes ma'am." 

Jack led the way. He seemed to know exactly where he was going, like he'd been planning this. He had grabbed my hand and begun to drag me wherever it was he was going. I usually would've protested, but I was curious as to what he was doing. 

He dragged me across the Brooklyn Bridge and I realized what he was doing. Well, I knew where he was going. I had no idea what he was planning on doing in Brooklyn. Probably something to do with Spot. 

We got to the dock and Jack shoved me forward, disappearing into the shadows. I rolled my eyes and started to stroll around. 

Soon I was met with the silhouette of a large figure. I expected to just cross paths with them, no problem. Instead they walked straight towards me. 

"Hey, you one o' Spot's boys?" I asked. No answer. "Assumin' that yer one o' Spot's boys, where is 'e?" I figured I might as well find him because Jack ditched me. 

The figure stood tall over me. He was definitely one of Spot's boys. He grabbed me by my shirt and lifted me closer to his face. "What d'you want, boy?" He asked in a husky voice. A voice I definitely recognized. 

"Girl, actually," I corrected. 

"That didn't answer my question." I squinted at his face. I could just make out who it was. It was Champ. He didn't like me very much. 

I shook my head, giving him a disappointed look. "Champ, we've talked about this. Spotty Boy doesn't want ya liftin' me up no more. So if ya could just put me down and tell me where 'e is, that'd be great." 

He scoffed, tossing me aside. I landed with a thud, wearing an annoyed look. "When I said ta put me down, I didn't mean that you should throw me," I said, picking myself up. "Where's Spot?" 

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