Chapter 1

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3rd POV

"Out of anywhere in the city, it just HAD to be the part of the city I'm less familiar with!" MK complained to himself as he ran around, trying to find a place for shelter. It had suddenly started raining hard and thundering with heavy fog right when he delivered the last package of noodles. He had probably gotten even more bad luck when Pigsy's car decided to break down. Even if he did manage to get the car to start up again, it would've been difficult to even be able to see through the fog. And MK of course, had forgotten that he could just be able to use his golden eyes to see through it.

"Why couldn't I just have taken the day off and train with Monkey King..." MK whimpered and took a turn in an alley way. He looked around and spotted a hole in one of the walls of the building. MK pulled out his phone and turned on the flashlight and shined it inside. Even though he couldn't see much... it seemed empty and no one seemed to be inside. MK shrugged, assuming it was probably an abandoned building or warehouse of some sort.

"Well, better than nothing." MK reassured himself as he bend down and crawled in. It was pretty dark and he seemed to be in a big enough area, even though he couldn't see much due to the room being dark. A few window covered in blinds could be seen at the top of the wall, only the light of lighting shining in every few moments barely. MK slowly took a few steps inside, shining his flashlight onto the floor and in front of his so he wouldn't trip on anything.


"AH-!" MK jumped and dropped his phone to the sudden loud crash of thunder. He quickly took a step forwards and to the side to grab his phone off from the ground only to bump into something hard with his foot.

"Huh? What's this?" MK grabbed his phone, shining his light towards what seemed to be a chest that he bumped into. With curiosity, he slowly opened the chest and shined his light inside. Inside were a bunch of scrap papers and letters. They seemed old...and few of the letters seemed like only drafts since it had red pen crossed over a few words and replaced. As MK scatter through the letters, he realized who all were addressed to. At the start of all the letters, they either started with "Sun Wukong" or "Peaches", which MK considered was a nickname. But what got him off guard mostly was that those names were crossed out with red ink and right above it there was red text that read "liar"..."scumbag"..."backstabber"...

MK gulped as he got a unsettled feeling.

Who could have wrote these to Monkey King? This must be some type of mistake or something... has he even read these himself? MK thought to himself anxiously. He started flipping through the letters, trying to see who could have wrote these. Most of them ended in "From yours truly," "From Mangos", or "From Plums", which he considered a nickname as well. MK sighed and was about to close the chest, until he noticed a crumbled up letter that caught his attention. He slowly reached for it and uncrumbled it.

"Hey Peaches,

It's been a while since you last wrote back to me. Hows it going? I realized since last time that you're getting a bit too attached to the Gods or whatever. What happened last time you went up to the celestial realm? And please tell me you got rid of that staff... lets just go back how it's been in the old days. Proving ourselves against the Gods and fighting side by side! I'm still waiting for you, so come back to me. I know it's close to when you promised you'd come back but I'm honestly a bit worried, and irritated. Other than that, safe travels! And don't forget the promise you made me!

Yours truly,


MK nearly choked on his own saliva after reading Macaque's name. Suddenly, the lights to the building turned on and MK quickly closed the chest, stuffing the letter into his pocket. He quickly pulled out his staff, stepping away from the chest and looking around.

"Oh no...- how didn't I realize before?!" MK mumbled to himself a bit too loudly. He was in Macaque's base. MK looked around frantically, forgetting where the hole was to where he had entered.

"Hey kid, come back so soon huh?" Macaque's voice echoed through the place as lighting strucked again, following the sound of thunder. MK slowly turned around, inspecting the area and trying to listen to where the voice was coming from.

"Looking for a new teacher?" 

Words That Should Have Been Burned (Shadowpeach ) Monkie Kid AUWhere stories live. Discover now