Chapter 1, Where Are We?!?!

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Filip's POV.
Darkness. That's all I saw. Silence is all I heard, and stillness is all I felt. I felt almost paralyzed. A minute felt like an eternity. It felt like I was frozen in time.

I couldn't open my eyes if I tried, but I was slowly gaining the strength to move. Soon, I could hear muffled sounds around me. I couldn't tell if they were voices, or if they were just natural sounds. Soon, I finally opened my eyes.

I looked around at the unrecognizable room around me. I was covered in white spreadsheet, and I was wearing the same outfit I wore in the Eurovision first semifinals. I felt so uncomfortable in it. I had to get changed.

I slowly sat up, I looked around the room, it definitely was even less recognizable than it was before my vision fully came back. The walls were covered in cream colored paint. It almost looked like faded yellow. The floor was covered with a tan-grey carpet. There was a small nightstand next to my bed with some kind of notebook on top of it. The Slovenian flag was the cover of the notebook.

I stood up off my bed. I felt a little wobbly at first, but that was probably the impact of the rush hitting me. I looked at my feet. I was wearing thin socks. They were comfortable, but they didn't feel right laying in bed. I normally don't wear socks to bed, but I guess whoever brought me here thought I needed to.

I looked around my room a bit more. There were no windows. It was all just sparsely lit up by candle lighting and a dim lamp. I came across a wardrobe that stood at about six feet tall. I opened the door and I saw exact replicas of the exact same outfit that I was wearing right now.

I sighed. Was I stuck wearing the outfit I wore for the semifinals? It was severely uncomfortable. Maybe there would be something in the drawers. I opened the top drawer and saw a bunch of pairs of pajamas.

Thank God.

I decided to take a look at that notebook to see if anything had been written in it. I opened the book to the first page.


I flipped through the pages, and they all were blank. What would I do with a notebook with 200 blank pages?

I wasn't sure if whoever brought me here would want me to leave my room, but I left anyway. These people kidnapped me and brought me to an unknown location. Why should I care about their rules?

I opened the door of the room. I saw several other doors with names on them. I looked up at the door to my room. Sure enough, my name was written on the door. I looked around at the other names written on each door. There were forty-two other doors. I looked down the hall at the names and realized that whoever kidnapped me had also kidnapped one or more of every Eurovision entrant from this year!

I shivered. This person must be very sick minded. What would they want from Eurovision contestants?

I looked around for any name that I might recognize, when I heard a familiar feminine voice say my name.

"Fičo!" She cried. I turned around to see Zala!

"Zala!!!" I ran to hug her tight. She hugged me back.

"Do you know where we are?" She asked.

"No... I'm sorry. I wish I knew" I sighed.

"That's alright." She sighed. "We should maybe see who all is here."

I smiled.

"Sure. That would be appropriate." I said as we walked down the hall. Once we turned the corner, I saw Keith and Jim. They were just sitting there silent when we got there. I looked at them. One of them (I think it was Keith) turned his head.

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