Maze at the Manor

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Locke's stupendous joy of being an idiot must be set aside tonight. I must avoid my negative emotions of his using Nicasia, Jude, and her sister and go to his maze gathering.

Although a large part of me hates being around him, his little parties always have wine and pretty girls, so I suppose I'll enjoy myself tonight.

Yes, I think, walking to the front door of Locke's manor, I will enjoy myself tonight.

I almost laugh, what if Jude arrives and joins the revelry? The thought itself I shocking. The mortal girl can't even have fun at royal balls, I doubt she'll be any different if she shows up here.

"What are you thinking about?" Nicasia asks beside me. "Or shall I say," she looks away from me as we enter through the front door, "who are you thinking about?"

It's dark in Locke's home. Hardly any oil lamps are lit, lighting our skin and glowing Nicasia's hair. She tried extra hard with her looks today. And that's just fine, I do as well.
But I know when she does it expecting something from me.
She must think we'll be together tonight.

But she's wrong. "Thinking of someone?" I ask, trying to ignore her question. "You're so nosy at times, Nicasia. Is this royal Undersea behavior?" I raise my eyebrow at her.

She swats at my arm playing, and I almost laugh again. You think I'm joking.

"We're friends, Cardan," she says. We sit down on a plush green couch and I stretch my legs on the short table. "We used to be more than friends," she goes on, "but you don't want that anymore. You don't want me anymore. I don't understand. You know you wont regret being with me—"

We stop short when laughter is heard upstairs. We look away from each other and toward the wooden stairs, the sounds seem to be coming from the second floor.

"Locke hasn't greeted us yet," she eyes, suspiciously. "You think he's already with someone?"

I nod my head. "Yes," I whisper, in a daze. That laugh sounded familiar. "Yes, he must've. He likes playing with things before he destroys them." I look at her. "You know that better than anyone."

My comment almost makes her gasp but she chooses to ignore it.

More laughter. Voices. A voice. A feminine, pretty voice, a voice that sounds too familiar.
Too much like—

"Is that Jude with him?" Nicasia squints towards the stairs. "It sounds like her. I hate her mortal laugh."

"Be quiet. I'm trying to listen."

"You'd rather listen to Jude and Locke snogging and possibly doing other things than hear my voice?"

Laughter and laughter and laughter.

I hold my hand up. "Nicasia, just please be quiet for more than five seconds."

Footsteps sound above our heads. In Locke's late mother's room. It has to be.

"No," I whisper, looking at the ceiling, "no way would they do anything in his dead mother's room."

Warm bile rises up my throat and I feel faint. Just the thought of Jude doing anything with him disgusts me beyond understanding. He's using her like a doll. I may be rotten with no heart, but love is not a joke to me. It is not something to play around with and make fun.

"Who cares," Nicasia scoffs, shaking her head. But I know it bothers her for him to be with her. "Let's go outside. Guests will arrive soon."

I don't know how much time has gone by. I've drank about six glasses of wine and all my worries have drifted away from me. A breath in the wind, sand in the sea, I can't seem to find them anymore.

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