Dreams pov*

I try not to shake. I may have weird abilities, but I just challenged THE technoblade to a high stakes 1v1. Of course,  he's confused and in the dark.

Maybe now is a good time to explain my abilities via breaking the fourth wall so we can fill some plot holes.

If that last paragraph didn't explain it to you, I am aware of the 4th wall and all beyond it. I can travel between dimensions, in which I typically find myself in different forms. My usual one would be the child version of me that resides in the dimension this story has taken place in. But there's many others.

There are worlds where I run for my life I'm attempts to defeat a dragon. Several of those, really. Worlds where things are strange, like a world of few colors and a world where lava slowly rises. Or my personal favorite, a world in which I am an adult that lives somewhat peacefully. With George, and eventually all of my friends. Then that brat joined my family. .. I am not too fond of Tommy now, he ruins everything. But at first I brought him to my secret world. BIG mistake. He ruined it all. So naturally, in this world, I hate his entire family. I found out early on that if you kill someone in one world, they will eventually have the same fate in another.

So I tried to kill him. Which got me on bad terms with that entire family, before they even realized why they hated me. The whole lot is a problem. Wilbur and his radical ideas. Techno and his opposing radical ideas. Tommy and his pure chaos. Abs of course Phil, who helps any of them when they're down.

Long story short, I'm an idiot. Because in front of me stands Technoblade, in full netherite, and he doesn't seem confused anymore. I raise my axe. I hope this ends well for me.

T I m e s k I p

It did NOT end well. Mr beast laughed at me when it wasover, techno won. And he used math! Who does that???? Pythagrium therom or whatever. Pythagorian? Pithagriam? I can't even spell it. When it's over, I pull us back to the school in the original dimension. That means one day, I will lose all of my lives. Nononono.... I hate it.

"Suck it green boi!" Techmo laughs and my friends all realized at once I lost.

"Time to holdup your end of the bargain." He says, suddenly serious. I gulp.

"As long as you're in this world,  you will die." I say simply. He raises his fist.

"But I can take you to another. "I say. He hesitates and I take the opportunity to run away. Gosh dang darn it! PS bad is the editor for this, so yeah...

The antfrost is out of the bag, I might as well spill the beans. I weave through town and arrive at the house. I knock and wait for a rather angry man to answer, who looks like he wishes to kill me.

"Mr Minecraft? We need to talk."

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