And to never let go again

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Porsche was irritated to say the least. Does the guy really need to stare that hard? He's trying to work while ignoring the guy who has been coming here for a week. Doesn't he have work piled up or something?

With that question in mind, Porsche had confidently dialled Khun Korn. But the elder only chuckled at the squeaky tone of the tanned man and told him it was high time to put everything in order again.

Porsche silently scoffs. What order was he even talking about? Porsche can't help the groan when Pete drops a glass, AGAIN!

"Sorry." Though smiling sheepishly, it's clear that Pete is nowhere near comfortable.

These guys always bring trouble. He sighs, dropping to pick up the shards of the broken glass. "Ai'Pete. Calm down. Stop being so jumpy."

Porsche sighs again when a small whine makes its way out of Pete. "I can't help it, ok! He keeps staring no matter what I do."

Porsche knew the feeling well. If when kneeling down on the floor, Porsche can feel the intensity of the stare on his back. That idiot Kinn!

You can ask what is the holdup now that he knows Kinn is here. But you see the mere presence of Kinn tends to bring out the worst in Porsche. So right now, like a coward, Porsche is trying to hide from the impending heartbreak.

He isn't stupid. He knows just how much obsessed Kinn is with him. And honestly, Porsche is just as much as obsessed with Kinn, but that's out of context. If this Kinn is still the same then Porsche should prepare himself for the terrible words and the heartache that they bring.

Even remembering the old days bring back that old heartache along with a sense of longing and love. That is why he's so emerged in his thoughts that he fails to see the guy approaching Porchay, who has been silently standing in the background, guilty.

Now Porsche is understanding that his brother is growing up, but his brother has no need for pushy guys who are 'only looking for a good fuck' in his life. Porchay deserves to be treasured and loved wholeheartedly. So Porsche has the right mind to kick the bastard out of his club.

Before Porsche is fast enough to kick the bastard away from his brother, the said bastard is already on the floor clutching his face. Before either him or Pete can react, Kim pulls away a shocked Porchay all the while glaring at the groaning guy on the floor.

Porsche sighs, scrunching his nose as he takes a look at the guy. Kim got a good hit on him. Signalling Pete to take care of the crowd that is starting to form because of the situation, Porsche pulls the guy up from the floor before handing him to the gaurds.

Watching as the gaurds practically drag the slightly bleeding guy away, Porsche sighs. He should be worried about his brother, but he knows Kim wouldn't do anything to hurt Porchay, not again. Atleast he hopes.

Because Porsche can forgive anything and everything, but he'll kill anyone who dares to hurt his brother. And as much as his brother tries to hide it, Porsche knows Porchay is still in love with Kim. Moreover Porsche will never forgive himself for being the reason of Porchay's first heartbreak. If only Kim hadn't used Porchay.

But he's going to trust Kim for the last time.

Turning around he rolls his eyes in annoyance when he's face to face with the second young master of Theerapanyakul family. Damn it, he's still not ready for the confrontation.

Signalling the staff to take over the bar, Porsche makes his way out to the back room. He can feel Kinn hot on his heels. He sighs, so much for this can and mouse game of a week.

Hopefully, Pete can handle himself for the time being.

Porchay is finally snapped out of his daze as he's slammed against a wall before being trapped between two muscular arms. He should be scared by the look on Kim's face. But is it bad that he's enjoying the visible change of emotions on the always emotionless face?

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