Finding you again

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Kinn feels numb. It's almost as if he's numb to everything around him. He can hear Tankhun screaming. He knows he should stand up and take control of the situation. But he can't. He just can't summon the power within to do so. A part of him just died. Porsche left him.

He should be screaming, crying and howling in pain right now and trust him when he says he is on the inside. But on the outside he just looks like a broken shell.

Kinn knew Porsche had been through a lot. The fast few months had been a rollercoaster. From being his bodyguard to being his boyfriend and then going on to find out about his parents history, Porsche definately needed a break. Kinn knew that. But did he need to go to this extent and leave Kinn for good?

Porsche was hurt, Kinn knew it. And Kinn also knew that in some twisted way he was the one responsible for Porsche's pain and suffering. And maybe Porsche had finally done the smart thing. He had pulled out the rotten root. Kinn understood. But the pain of being left alone by the man he loved madly wasn't decreasing.

Korn looked at his second son in grief. Since childhood Kinn had extreme expectations to fulfill. And after everything Korn knew his child did not deserve to suffer like this.

But Korn also knew Kinn had unknowingly caused Porsche great pain. And he acknowledged that he too was responsible for that. That is why when the boy asked him for help, Korn could not refuse.

And Korn also knew that Kinn knew it was him who helped Porsche disappear. Maybe that was the reason his son hadn't acknowledged his presence in the room even once.

Signalling at Arm and Pol to restrain Tankhun, Korn puts a hand on Kinn's shoulder, softly letting him know that he's sorry. For the first time, Korn watches as his son breaks down deep inside.

But before he can take another step forward, the door to the room bursts open followed by a load roar. "Where's Pete?" Vegas with a bandage on his head looks as haggard as he feels.

After Kan's death, Vegas had been in a terrible accident. Had it not been for Pete's care and love, Vegas would not have been able to recover. And now that he was almost healed, Vegas wanted his Pete by his side.

Vegas knew he was a demon and he should be burnt to ashes before he can touch Pete, but the yearning in his heart for its other half was much more stronger than his guilt. If Pete stayed by his side, Vegas was willing to go through every punishment. If only Pete can give him a second chance.

Korn looks at his nephew solemnly. He feels a huge guilt crushing his heart as he looks at his nephew's red rimmed eyes. If only he knew how his brother treated these poor boys, he would have fought tooth and nail to save them. If only he had seen the truth earlier, Vegas would have been a much better man. A man who deserved Pete.

Before Korn, Arm or Pol could react, Tankhun has already launched himself at Vegas. "It's your fault. It's all your fault that Pete left!" Korn watches as his oldest slowly falls to his knees, shaking and sobbing. "It's your fault that my friends left!"

People called him crazy but Korn knew his oldest was just sensitive, especially to people close to him. He might come off as snobbish at times but, Korn knew Tankhun considered Arm, Pol, Pete and Porsche to be his closest. And loosing two of his close friends is a big blow to his already sensitive mind.

Vegas watches the scene unfold with battered breaths, refusing to accept what is infront of him. "Cut the drama, Khun! Where is my Pete?"

It's at that moment that Macau comes in rushing and gasping for breath. He watches as his strong brother looks around like a mad man, searching for the one who has his soul. He speaks brokenly. "Stop it already, hiya. P'Pete left. Please don't do this."

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