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Rose was already exhausted with her works and the continuous shouts of excitement from Melisa added more to her tired state. She kept trying to keep her silent but Melisa being Melisa, was not giving any attention to her.

“White or yellow?” Shouted Melisa.

Before Rose could answer, she said “Oh, I prefer red, anyway… but it would be cool if we arrange white roses. What do you say?”

Rose shook her head, exhaling a sigh.

“And yes, wouldn’t it be amazing if it is an open ground wedding? Peter will love it.”

When Rose was about to speak something, Melisa interrupted her again, shouting “About the playlist, what do you think?”

Rose crossed her arms, giving her a deadly glare.

“Why don’t you say anything?” Melisa asked.

“Because you keep on chattering.” Rose scoffed releasing her arms. “You still have more than a month for your wedding to happen. Relax, Melisa. Wedding planners will look after everything.”

Melisa hummed as a response and sat straight while Rose walked to the fridge to get ice-creams for them. After she put the cup on the table near Melisa, she walked out to give them to the guards, who were waiting for her outside of Melisa’s house.

The guards looked at each other with Rose’s gesture and smiled at her bowing their heads.

She said “You can come in.”

“We are comfortable here, thank you.”

She nodded her head and entered in to see Melisa having her ice-cream while her cheeks flushed.

“Why are you blushing now?” Rose laughed walking towards her.

“I still don’t understand how our not certain relationship turned to wedding.” She held Rose’s arm, shouting “Rose! I am excited.”

“I can see it.” she laughed. “Even I am excited to see you in bridal dress. You will look so beautiful as a bride.”

Melisa’s smile widened with her compliment. Then she said looking at Rose “I hope your relationship also will turn to marriage. Rose, Michael, and little Roses. How beautiful!” Melisa went to her dreamland while Rose couldn’t be able to stop the smile that started to appear on her face. Even though she didn’t speak anything, she wished the same to happen.

After spending sometime with Melisa, she reached to Michael’s house. As she was about to enter in, she heard Marcos' yell that stopped her from stepping forward.

“Again Robin! Chill!”

Her heart skipped a beat after hearing it and she stood still waiting for them to continue their conversation but Marcos brought up the other topic that deviated them both.

As soon as she entered inside, they both were alerted, and Michael stood from the couch, saying “I told you to call me. I would’ve come there. You shouldn’t roam everywhere without me.”

“The guards were always with me.” she replied, at the same time, giving him a suspicious look. The she smiled at Marcos, greeting him. “I didn’t know you are coming otherwise I wouldn’t have gone out.”

“Nah! That’s fine Rose. I was on my way to some other place and stopped by to see what you both were doing. I am leaving.”

“Wait! I will cook something for you.”

“Though my stomach is craving for your food, I have to leave now.” Marcos laughed. “I will come later.”

After he left, Rose stared at Michael expecting him to tell her what they both were talking about but as usual, he didn’t speak anything about their conversation.

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