In danger

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The conversation with Rafael wouldn’t leave Michael. It was making him restless, angry and worried. Deep down, he was scared. He couldn’t imagine anything happening to Rose. He didn’t want even Rafael’s shadow to go near her.

He pulled the chains putting all his strength as if he was determined to break even the ceiling. Though he knew it was not possible, he kept trying and trying till he lost all of his energy.

Falling on his knees, he took a breath. He wanted to see Rose, to touch her, feel her and kiss her till he forget his longing. He never spent many days without seeing her and it was hurting him. Besides, he was worried what had happened to his plan. He was sure that Marcos might not have executed their plan as he went missing. He wondered how Rose had been feeling. He only wished Rafael didn’t meet her and she was safe.

The memories of their night kept flashing in front of his eyes; her beautiful face, body and soft moans were still ringing in his ears that was making him go insane. His mind, focus and everything was filled with only one name, one person, Rose.

“Rose!” he mumbled. “I’ll come to you soon, Rose. Please be strong.”

He stood straight, gazing at the chains that bounded him. He noticed the surroundings hoping there was a way out but he found none except the door which would open when any of the guards entered. There was no possibility of breaking the chains except unlocking them with the key.

“How?” he muttered. At the same time, one of the guards entered in with a plate of food in his hands, for the dinner. Leaving the plate on the floor, he unlocked Michael’s right chain that freed his right hand. Michael’s hand fell down as his muscle got free from the pressure that was holding. They usually unlock only one of his hands and they couldn’t risk releasing his both hands as they knew they should be careful with him.

“Eat.” The guard ordered, walking away.

“Who the fuck gives me the water? One of your fathers?” Michael shouted.

The guard fisted his palm, gritting his teeth. He wanted to punch Michael till he lose his breath but he controlled himself thinking about his boss, Rafael. If it was someone else, other than Michael, then he might have been dead but he was Rafael’s brother that shackled his hands.

In a minute, the guard came back with the water glass. While he was bending down to put the glass beside the plate, Michael asked “What does Rafael do? Seeing you all, I can clearly say he does something illegal. Tell me.”

The guard stood closer to him, looking into his eyes, angrily. He gritted “It's not your business to know.”

“As he says I’m his brother, it’s my fucking business to know what the fuck he does. Now answer.”

“I can only tell you to be careful with him.”

Michael nodded his head, leisurely and in a swift motion, he wrapped his right hand around the guard’s neck, choking him hard. The guard tried to free himself but it went in vain. He tried to scream but his sounds were muffled. When Michael realized the guard was not moving, he left him to the ground, slowly, without making any kind of noise.

He checked his pockets for the key and to his luck, the key was still in his pocket. Immediately, he unlocked the other chain and he compressed a groan that was about to sound in a heavy pitch. For a minute, he massaged his both hands to ease the pain. Making steady steps, he walked towards the door. As one guard was already down, there would be other guard outside the room. As he expected, the guard was there and without giving him any chance to react, Michael snapped his neck.

He knew it was nearly impossible to escape from there but he tried, for Rose. As he had idea of the places, where guards would be there, he walked in other directions to escape from their gazes yet he met with few other people but he easily knocked them down.

It was a big building situated in the place that was unknown to him. The sound of the water waves, sea beside the building, made him realize he was somewhere near a sea shore but got no exact idea. He definitely couldn’t escape, easily, he needed to do something else.

His hands travelled through the guard's body in search of the cell phone. Unlocking the cell phone with the guard’s fingerprint, he dialled Marco’s number. It was only Marcos, who could help him. The call was answered but before Marcos could speak, a gun shot made Michael fell to his knees and the cell phone fell to the ground floor, breaking into pieces.

Tears filled in Michael’s eyes as the blood oozed out from his back. He coughed blood, trying to touch his wound. Before he could do anything, another shot hit him from the back. He didn’t want his life to end like that. He wanted to see Rose and it was only her face that displayed in front of his eyes before the darkness surrounded him.


“Michael!” Rose opened her eyes, shouting. Sweat formed on her face and her body shivered because of her nightmare in which Michael was dying. Her eyes filled with tears and some of them already rolled down on her cheeks. Though it was just a bad dream, she started to sob mumbling his name.

For some unknown reason, she felt Michael was in danger and the mere thought trembled her. She noticed it was just eight in the night. When she reached her home from office, she nodded off and the nightmare frightened her to the core.

Her head ached so badly as her temperature of the body increased. Wiping away her tears, she stood from the bed, shivering. She put her warm hands on her face and hands to realize she was having slight fever. Ignoring her condition, she washed her face and joined her hands, praying for Michael’s safety.

She tried sleeping again but her hunger, as she hadn’t eaten since afternoon, and her headache were not letting her sleep. After having her dinner, she decided to go to sleep but before that she searched her general medicine kit to find any tablets for headache. As she found none, she decided to go to the nearby medical store as she knew she couldn’t go to sleep in that condition. She wished she had someone with her, a father, mother or brother so that they could take care of her but unfortunately she was not blessed with that life.

Buying the general medicine, which didn’t need any doctor’s prescription, she walked to her house but her walk was halted when a palm pressed on her mouth from behind. She was held by a pair of strong arms, muffling her screams. Her entire body shivered in fear and tears started their own way. She could feel someone’s breath fanning on her neck and she wriggled to get away from the grip but she was being dragged away. In the chaos that trembled her, she heard the voice near her ear that sent chills down her spine.

“Got you, baby.”

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