Naina Talwar's trip to Japan

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Hola Amigos! My pretty readers yours truly is back with another interview. So this beautiful evening's lovely guest is Aish1609. Welcome the lady behind the books like 'Is he still there?' and 'The one' and 'Destroyed petals'.
But let's know this girl beyond her books.

Let's begin.

So Miss Aish your first question is here.

Q1 Introduce yourself in a poetic manner

She has a bookshelf of heart,

And ink runs through her vein.

She will write you in her story

With the typewriter in her brain.


Q2 What do you consider your personality type to be?









Less words more thoughts

Ambivert, depends on if their frequency matches mine.

Q3 If you have to compare yourself with a fictional character, who would that be?

Naina Talwar is the nearest to which I have related myself and somewhere in that phase of life too. 

(Even I felt a connection with her)

Q4 If you get a chance to relocate, where would you want to settle?

I truly want to settle in Japan, just their way of living life intrigues me to the core. They have a fast full of technology life but they still keep themselves connected to their tradition and culture.


Q5 What if a linguistic disaster happens on earth and all languages suddenly vanish but you get a chance to preserve 5 words, what would they be?

“I will always understand you.” So that the person right in-front of you feels home, the least we can do for someone if God Forbids such thing happens.

(Head down bowing to you)

Q6 All your clothes are going for laundry and you only get to keep one set for yourself. Which one that would be?

A T-shirt and a lower. My favourite ones.


Q7 What _phile are you?

 I am just a big Astrophile. I have this huge craze about stars, constellations and stuffs. 

Q8 What song are you listening to today?

Zindagi ke sawaalTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon