Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The airport is abuzz with people, and I'm eagerly waiting for Denise to pick me up. Evening has set in, and I'm excited to be back in the Philippines after six long years. My mom, battling a serious illness, is still in America recovering.

Finally, Denise arrives, running towards me, embracing me tightly.

"Lauren, I've missed you so much. I have a lot to tell you."

"Denise, I missed you too, but ease up on the tight hug; I can't breathe!"

"We should get going; my mom is waiting for you. She misses you too."

We hop into a sleek Porsche with Manong Ronnie at the wheel. Despite a few minutes of traffic, Denise and I chat about everything. Soon, we reach Denise's spacious and modern house, where her parents eagerly await us.

"Hi Lauren, we missed you. But before we catch up, let's head inside."

We enter the living room, and I approach Denise's mom, giving her a warm hug.

"Auntie, I missed you so much. You still look gorgeous."

"We missed you too, Lauren, and thank you.

"By the way, where's Alliah?"

"She's in her room, probably napping. She was ecstatic when I told her you were coming back to the Philippines. She kept running around in excitement. By the way, Lauren, take a rest. I know you must be jet-lagged. While I prepare our meal, you can relax."

"Really, Auntie, it's okay. I'm not that tired."

"No, Lauren, you need to rest. Denise, help me convince her."

Denise glances at me, sensing my reluctance.

"Lauren, my mom's right. Go and rest; I'll help my mom in the kitchen."

"Alright, fine. I'll take the guest room upstairs."

Oh, I forgot to mention, Alliah is Denise's adorable 6-year-old sister, a lively and cheerful child. I met her when Denise and her family visited us in America.

After hours passed, Denise woke me up, and we finished eating. It's late at night, and Denise, exhausted, falls asleep. My mind, however, is racing with thoughts about our new school.

Denise and I plan to enroll tomorrow, and as I lay there contemplating, sleep finally takes over...

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