Chapter 22

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Vishaka observed Sonia from top to bottom and she also saw a hickey on Sonia's neck.

“Oh my god, I can’t believe this, Rajendra gonna die hearing this.” Vishaka thought

“Hi Vishaka,” Sonia said.

“From Vishaka di to just Vishaka, nice improvisation.” Vishaka taunted Sonia said.

“Sonia, who cam…” Harsh came near the door wearing a shirt and saw Vishaka there “Why the hell you came here.?” Harsh asked angrily.

“Chill man, I just came here to give you the custody Vian, I’m going on a tour, so that’s why I came here.” Vish said.

“I... I will just come.” Sonia went inside and wore the dress.

“Won’t you call me inside.?” Vish raised her eyebrows.

“No, just give me the documents, and I will sign.” Harsh said.

“That’s in my car.” Vish started moving towards the car and Harsh went behind her.

“Daddy.” Vian screamed and hugged Harsh and Harsh took Vian in his arms and kissed Vian's cheeks.

“I missed you, Vian.” Harsh said.

“I missed you a lot, daddy.” Vian said and Harsh observed Vish was looking at the house.

“Vian, go inside the house, I will come in a few minutes” Harsh kept Vian down and Vian ran inside the house.

“Papers.” Harsh asked, Vish gave papers to Harsh.

“Stop spying on me, Vishaka,” Harsh said while signing the papers.

“Spying on you? not in my dreams.” Vishaka flipped her hair.

“Oh common Vishaka, I know you very well, stop acting.” Harsh said

“You don’t know me fully, Harsh.” Vish thought.

“We are over Vish, so move on.” Harsh gave papers to Vish and went in.

“You are naive Harsh, you don’t have an idea, what I’m gonna do.” Vish thought and smirked, sat in the car.

Meanwhile inside the house, Harsh saw Vian watching cartoons and Sonia standing near the window and watching the sea, Harsh went near the window.

“Are you ok?” Harsh asked.

“I’m fine but…”

Harsh cut-off Sonia's words “Don’t worry Vian is good boy, you both will bond well.”

“I don’t have a problem with Vian, but how can she come here?” Sonia said.

“She knows about my properties, so I guess she came here after my Instagram post, she must be curious about me, I don’t think so she is going anywhere.” Harsh said.

Sonia looked worried “Listen, I’m also worried but don’t worry if she informs about us to Raj uncle, let’s face it together.” Harsh said.

“I don’t care what dad thinks, but what if she says to Ansh.” Sonia said.

“How will…. Oh shit, I forgot that Ansh is staying in England only.” Harsh said.

“If I talk with him, he will understand don’t worry and he won’t believe anything before seeing it, I know my brother very well.” Sonia said.

Harsh was about to say but Vian said in-between “Daddy, this cartoon finished.”

Sonia looked at Harsh and smiled “Oh is it then let’s see another one.” Sonia sat near Vian, took the remote and changed the cartoon.

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