Arthur moved away in order to face him, hand gently brushing Alfred's neck and shoulder. Fingers tangled in the other's hair, head gently leaned back and teeth sinking in- "Yeah." He broke his thoughts, trying not to think further on from what was currently happening in these few moments. "I'm sorry-"

Papers were pushed off to the side, propped onto the desk in their placement, "Don't be sorry,

Alfred had become familiar with this side, the one only he got to see and was far more sentimental but it typically occurred later, when night shift had been taken up and nobody could make out the friendly banter and other assortments that painted them closer than Alfred had ever found himself with another person. Still there was a present fear that he would indeed be found out, that no matter what the two held for eachother it would shatter in a minute if his identity were to be exposed. "Take the day off tomorrow, sleep in, your mind appears to be lingering."

He let out a sigh, "I really don't think I need that, I'll be fine to continue working." Rubbing at the lines as he wiped away the weariness that accompanied his day. 

Tilting his head he narrowed his eyes, reaching his hands out as he cautiously held Alfred's cheek, in a gentle attempt to request him to look up. "It's not an offer. You're overworking yourself and if it weren't for that stack you tend to every night you might be able to rest." 

Arthur moved his bangs aside to get a clear view of his eyes, Alfred's mind once more going to work from the action, gears spun in the opposite direction to where they should have been, brought to the astonished notion that he wouldn't be a terrible partner. Of-course, there would be the reality of being apart during spring and summer, alone with the face that Arthur was a highly sought after individual - marriage and legal wise, Alfred having found a box of what he could assume was engagement rings, seemingly having been proposed to countless times. 

For some reason he couldn't form a coherent response, their proximity and thoughts rattling his speech. Tongue working far faster than his mind could prevent, "I want to kiss you."

Neither had anticipated nor expected something to be said which caused there to be no correct response. The normal slack and nerve Arthur typically carried fell away to be filled with doubt, had he misheard or simply struggled to grasp the correct syllables. He fixed a dumbstruck stare, hands having slipped as they know held onto one another's hands. "That's preposterous, you certainly don't mean that."

Breath held he gave the other's hand a gentle squeeze before relaxing in order for Arthur to pull away if he wanted. "I do though." Going back wasn't a viable option now, "Arthur, can I kiss you?" 


Creaks disintegrated what small flickers of sound may have hung in the incessant space Alfred had occupied for far too many hours solitary. That small sound that followed as someone shifted gave him all he needed to know, "Kirkland." Tone light as a smile made its appearance, sat back with a mien of theatrical joy. One that flittered in his chest now that the other was in for the night.

Arthur returned an expression that mimicked his partners, his shoulders managing to loosen as he slipped his shoes off, "Jones." Some of the surrounding candles being lit as his mood changed, bag slipped off from it's resting place and sat it onto the desk. Arthur moving to seat himself into the other's lap, who had clearly expected this action before hand as he had moved the seat back and already positioned himself in order for him to be comfortable.

Moving his hand to settle upon the shorter man's shoulder who rested into the crook of his lovers neck, arms wrapped around his head with a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Rough day?" 

Chuckling he moved closer, coat worked off from his shoulders. "Oh, certainly. A boost would have been appreciated." Playing with the ends of Alfred's hair as he let the sarcasm fall from it's place of restriction. 

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