"Dad please don't say that. I don't clearly understand what you are talking about but I assure you I'll get a good job and be a more responsible girl. I'll make my life safe and secure so you both don't have to worry about anything." I said assuring both of them.

"That's not what I meant Jennie. I want you to....... We want you too........." Dad stuttered.

I was already gonna jump out of my seat due to nervousness. What was going on ? Why is everybody so serious ? And all of them keep looking at me like I'm the one on whom everyone's life depends.

"WE WANT YOU TO MARRY TAEHYUNG." Dad finally brought the words out of his mouth.

And there he finally said it. I was shocked, surprised and disappointed. Whattttttt ???? Dad's asking me to marry this brat. Noooo. What about Kai ? What about my love for him ? He just proposed me today and this is what he gets in return ? I can't do this. I'm sorry dad.

"Whatttttt???" I shouted grabbing everyone's attention.

"Yes Jennie Mr Kim came here a while ago with a proposal for you to marry Taehyung." Dad said with a blank face.

"But Dad I'm too young to get married. I'm not ready, besides I still have a lot to learn. I want to do something big before I get married. I'm sorry Dad I can't do it." I refused politely.

"I know sweetie, I talked about this with Mr KIM and he said you can keep studying even after marriage. You'll have full freedom to do whatever you want. Consider this as our last wish and please don't say no." Dad said leving me no choice but to say yes.

Dad what have you done ? You've put me in a situation where I can't choose between my parents or the love of my life. I looked at the ring in my finger and quickly removed it out and kept it in my pocket hoping that no one would see it. I glanced as Taehyung's direction and he was just busy eating with a blank face. Why doesn't that brat say something ? Is he deaf ? Does he really wanna marry me ? Lets find out. I've got an idea.

"Ok Dad but first can I speak to Taehyung in private if you don't mind." I said looking at him but he didn't even bother to look up.

"Yes sure sweetie, we'll go have a chat in another room. You guys can carry on here itself." Dad said excitedly.

As soon as all of them left the room I grabbed the spoon with which Taehyung was eating.

"Will you stop eating and face me for a second ?" I shouted at him.

"Ofcourse why not ? So what is it ?" He said looking straight into my eyes.

"See I don't wanna marry you. Please try to understand I can't do it." I tried to explain.

"But why, what's the matter ?" He retorted back.

"That is none of your business." I said getting completely annoyed by his casual behaviour.

"Okay then I'll go tell Dad you don't wanna do it." He said with a straight face.

"Okay fineee, I have a boyfriend Taehyung . He proposed me today and I said yes. I don't wanna break his heart. I love him so much. He's the only person I wanna walk down the aisle to. Please don't steal that moment away from me." I pleaded.

"So why haven't you told your parents about you boyfriend ? They seem to think you are single." He asked looking confused.

"I know I should've done it long ago. But I was scared. What if they scolded me for having a boyfriend ? What if they didn't like him ? All these thoughts were roaming around in my head that's why I kept it a secret. I was gonna tell them everything today but then you showed up, screwed up everything and I never got a chance to clear things up." I said giving him a 'you messed things up' look.

 🔥 DANGEROUS LOVE 🔥( A Taennie FF ft. Liskook ) Where stories live. Discover now