• twenty-four •

Start from the beginning

Nishinoya flinched at the change and a nervous smile sprawled across his face. I know I probably shouldn't worry, but I hope you guys' have a hard head! Nishinkya thought, mentally praying for his teammates in case the serve had missed.

Let's return the favour. (M/n) thought.

The second year jumped and with all his strength, his hand hit the ball. The ball soared through the air like a jet and straight over to Oikawa. The ball hit the very corner of the court, perfectly hitting the line. The ball bounced all the up to the audience, surprising Aoba Johsai, and their cheer squad.

Relief washed over Nishinoya as he sighed and a smug grin formed on his face as he watched Aoba Johsai attempt to recollect themselves. I've been working with (m/n)'s serves ever since the match against Jouzenji, and he never holds back. God they were so painful...! Nishinoya mentally sobbed.

"Give us another good serve!" Nishinoya grinned, giving the taller male a thumbs up.

(M/n) smiled and nodded as he shuffled back over to the serving line. Once more, giving Aoba Johsai another strong serve. Oikawa grunted as he managed to get under the ball, falling back in the process. Watari rushed to cover, tossing it up for Kyoutani to take the final hit.

Daichi ran towards the net, managing to get his arms out to intercept the spikes course but failed to properly get it up as he was knocked down from the intense strength behind the ball. Aoba Johsai cheered as Daichi was helped up by Tanaka. The team recollected themselves, awaiting for the next serve to come at them.

Iwaizumi served the ball in which Nishinoya got it up with ease, Kageyama tossed it up to (m/n) for a back attack but Iwaizumi easily picked it up. Oikawa smiled, complimenting his best friend's receive and tosses the ball up to Hanamaki. The peach haired teens' eyes widened at the sudden appearance of Hinata's hands.

"One touch!" The ginger yelled, looking back to see (m/n) scrambling for the save in which Tanaka and Kageyama follow through, Tanaka let out a roar as he hit a line shot but glared at Watari who had managed to get in the way of his spikes course.

"Sorry!" Watari yelled, preparing to follow through for a blocked spike.

Oikawa rushed over to the ball as Matsukawa ran towards the net, Hinata and Tanaka bunched together, preparing themselves to stop the quick attack. Oikawa smirked and did a back toss to Kyoutani, surprising the blockers. Kageyama cursed under his breath as the ball had soared right past him, unable to even lift his arm to save the ball.

(m/n) walked over to Kageyama and ruffled his hair before pulling him close, surprising the raven head and making him blush profusely at the abrupt close contact.

"I'll do a toss for the second touch, look out for it, okay?" (m/n) whispered in his ear before walking back to the back row.

Kageyama raised his eyebrow but chose to question (m/n)'s motives. I've never synced up with (m/n)'s tosses before, let alone hit one of his tosses... but since he seemed confident im sure things will be just fine. Kageyama thought and waited for Iwaizumi's serve.

Daichi dived to the side, getting the ball up. (m/n) smiled at the receive as it floated up in the air nicely. That's Dai-chin for you, its exactly what I needed.. (m/n) chuckled and rushed to the ball, jumping right before the back line and aimed to spike.

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