When she finally picked out an outfit, she stares at herself in the mirror and nods in approval. She had a simple skin tight dark blue shorts, with a black and white stripes long sleeves that overlaps her bottoms, a denim jacket and closed high heels. She applied natural makeup and casually puts her hair down.

She takes her purse and a car horn can be heard from the driveway. She takes her phone and rushes downstairs before they break the door and drag her to the car. She said goodbye to her mother before jogging outside.

Entering the car, she sees Jisoo in the passenger seat, with Doyeon behind the wheels.

"You look a bit prepared for someone so busy," Jisoo commented with a chuckle.

The brunette just rolls her eyes, "Shut up, it's not even that grand." she says.

"You look stunning," Doyeon says with a wink.

She couldn't hold her small laugh, "Let's just go and stop harrassing me."

As they go, they talked about random things, their jobs, lives and more. They don't hang out that much anymore as they all found something to busy themselves with. Doyeon works as a marketing director, Jisoo is now a supervisor of a mobile app.

And Jennie has fully replaced her mother and becomes a B-list fashion designer  for celebrities and models. All that happened inside the whole 5 years and they're actually satisfied with how their lives are currently doing.

After an almost 20 minute drive, they arrived at the club where it's already packed just by looking outside. They all get out of the car and have their way inside, the loud music vibrating into their system and pounding against their ears. Jisoo leads them to an empty booth and they took their time to admire the place for awhile.

The interior design is pretty much futuristic, the lights have different shapes of shades. The lights brings out colors and the place itself isn't that bad. It's quite spacy and wide, it looks fun to enjoy the night there.

Jisoo clears her throat, "I'm going to get a drink!" she raises her voice as the loud music booms in the background.

"I'll come with you." Doyeon replies and turns to Jennie, "What do you want? I'll get it for you."

The brunette waves her hand, "I'm fine, I'll drink later." she says.

"You stay here, okay?"

"Yeah, go."

She watched her friends leave together before she casually takes her phone out. She knows damn well she's in a club and pulling out her phone is kind of a party pooper or boring but she's not really in the mood to drink this early and mingling with other people is not yet there.

As she scrolls, she didn't even realize it's already been an hour since her friends left. She looks around and tried to find them among crowd but they're not any close to show up sooner.

Jennie sighs and shakes her head.

"Excuse me..."

She looks at the person who approached her and clears her throat, "Uh, yeah?"

It was a guy with a blue hair and piercings, "I noticed you're alone, I-I could join you, if you don't mind." he says with no bad intention.

The brunette pouts and moves a little far and offers him a seat. "Sure," she replies and smiles a little.

He shyly sits and scratches the back of his neck, "So, uh, are you alone?" he asks and looks around.

"No, my friends get their drinks somewhere. I don't actually mind,"

BEDEVIL II | jenlisaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें