Chapter 16

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"Isn't that the hospital you're working at?"

That was Jisoo, who kept her focus on Rosé. We all stared at her, waiting for her answer. I notice her swallow a small lump in her throat and I couldn't help but think she have heard news about it. I mean, it's not impossible. She works in the same hospital and she could've atleast knew through the history.

I put my hand on her shoulder, "Have you...heard of it? A woman with a Manoban in her last name?" I asked, curiosity flooding my body.

She fidgets her fingers, "I did heard about it since her husband has a name but that's gotta be all. It happened a year before I was transferred there,"

Jisoo keeps staring at the screen and I saw her glance back to Rosé. I have no idea what goes on in her mind but I just look away and starts thinking of ways to get more information about this. We can't rely on the internet and we most definitely can't ask Lisa. It could make her either mad or upset when she remembers her mother.

Cardiac arrest...

I remember Saem telling me she had complications when giving birth. It could be a heart failure that costs her her death.

I didn't even realize I was deep in thought until I heard three voices calling my name. I turn to them and met their curious eyes on me.


Doyeon scrunched her nose, "You good?"

I played a small laugh, "Yeah, I'm fine." I answered and stands up, "I need to go to the bathroom," I excused myself and heads there, leaving them alone.

Closing the door behind, I rested my hands on the sink's marbled surface and look at myself in the mirror in front of me. I'm overthinking a lot, why do I keep connecting everything to my dad's death? It doesn't even make any sense. I shake my head and bit my lip, wondering why I'm so invested in this thing. I mean, sure my dad is dead and all but the way I keep relating everything to him makes me feel like a total psycho.

I must be crazy.

I jolt when my phone suddenly rings, echoing in the whole bathroom. I fished it from my pocket and looks to see an unfamiliar telephone number.

Who could this be?

Sighing, I pressed the answer button. "Hello?" I greeted lazily.

"Where are you?"

Oh, I know that voice all too well.

"I need to talk to you, in person."

I roll my eyes, "What if I don't want to talk to you?"

"I'll break these guys' necks and find you," she says with a challenging tone. "You know damn well, I can."

What an effortless way to annoy the shit out of me. She doesn't even have to try.

I gripped my phone, "What the fuck do you want, Lisa? I'm in the middle of something and you're clearly interrupting."

She chuckles, "I don't care, come here." was all she said before hanging up and didn't even let me reply.

I let out a frustrated groan and brush my hand through my hair. Did she just gave me a threat? Blackmail? She's crazy. We haven't even made up after that stunt she pulled and went all jerk and bitchy at me. Now she's gonna order me like she's my sort of boss?

Jesus, how do I handle her ass?

Annoyed, I left the bathroom with an obvious frown on my face. My friends turn to me and had the same curious look on their faces.

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