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He'd cried himself to sleep as well.

He'd fell asleep at the hospital- they let him stay because he was labeled as spouse on Techno's files. He was thankful for that, staying close at Techno's side all night, just in case he woke up.

He didn't.

The next day, Techno's parents came. They said how sorry they were that they weren't here sooner, and N gave them a moment alone with their son. They left soon after, unable to see both young men in the condition they were currently in.

N couldn't count how long he'd been at the hospital after the first four days- he'd talked to his boss about his situation, who had given him the week off. He was greasy, tired, malnourished, and looked like he would collapse at any moment. Multiple doctors and nurses had offered him food, water, or a bed of his own- all which he'd politely declined, saying that it would be different if it weren't with Techno.

N's parents had come on the fifth day, they loved Techno just as much as they did N. He couldn't remember the last time they've been as serious as they were when they'd talked to him about it. They sent him away, demanding that he shower and eat before he could see Techno again.

He did, managing to drive home without passing out at the wheel. He stopped for a bagel on the way, taking slow bites at first before devouring it in a fit of hunger. He'd taken a long, hot shower, the water stinging his skin. He thought about the week.

Everything was so happy, so normal. Why did it have to be Techno- why didn't Techno hand over his things?

He shut off the water, grabbing a towel with shaking hands. It was his fault. He was the reason Techno had gone out to pick him up from work, it was him.

Hospital Beds | Technoblade x Male Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن