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Breakfast was like any other day, one of them got up to fix up some eggs, or make some French toast, or maybe prepare some oatmeal. Today, it was Techno who had gotten up, grabbing what was needed to make a smoothie, and some berries for some oatmeal. N had work in a couple of hours, so the pink haired man figured it would be best to not leave breakfast to him.

He started the kettle for tea and the oats, and got to measuring the ingredients for the smoothie. He heard the kettle boil, and took it off the burner. He grabbed the mugs, and tea bags, setting one in each before pouring water over them. He finished with the smoothie, somehow not waking N up from the blender, and poured it into a carry mug, so that the younger could bring it to work, before letting it rest in the fridge. He finished with the tea, and the oatmeal, various berries in the oats. He served them on the table, now waking up the shorter.

Techno shook the sleeping man's shoulder, causing the other to stir. He groaned something about sleeping in for a few more minutes, but Techno was relentless. He picked him up like he was giving his a front way piggyback, and carried him to a chair.

N grumbled "no fair" while he rubbed his eyes from sleep, sloppily grabbing his spoon as he muttered a "thank you."

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