10. Fools

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  I was on cloud nine. I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact that I, (Y/n) (L/n), had created something good. As Quentin had said, a safe haven, a home.
  It hadn't been him to manipulate me, as I had first thought, no, it was my father. Still, even after all these years away from him. But not anymore! Quentin had opened my eyes and showed me that I was capable of doing something good, building something good. Moreover, this was only the beginning, he had promised.
  And you know what, I believe him. All that he said just made so much sense now. I was right all along: Quentin was the little ray of sunshine to clear up the lies clouding my mind.
  With my head up in a different kind of clouds, I crashed into someone. Without climbing down from my bed of roses, muttering an "excuse me," I continued my dreamy stroll.
  That was, until I was called upon by a voice I had least expected to hear.
  I spun around, meeting Dameron's gleeful eyes. The skin around those hopeful eyes was covered with dried blood and injuries.
  "Poe?" I hastily glanced around, checking if someone might overhear us.
  My gaze met a stormtrooper, he had an air of familiarity over him.
  But I couldn't be sure.
  "I mean— who are you? How do you know my name?" I played pretend.
  "It's all right, (Y/n). This is..." Poe looked at the stormtrooper whom had let go of his arm, having lowered their blaster. "What's your name again?"
  Dameron made a face. "We really ought to shorten that. Make it more you."
  FN took off their helmet.
  At last, I recognised the chocolate complexioned stormtrooper. He was the one who had once been a janitor, and whom I had helped become a trooper.
  The young man greeted me with a short nod. 
  The pilot looked at the trooper with a bit of a dreamy expression. "But, but, but," he came back to his senses, "Mr. Long Name here is going to help me break out."
  I didn't bother to ask why the stormtrooper had decided to free an apparent prisoner, everyone had their own motives, instead I was curious about those of Dameron.
  "Any reason as to why you have to break out?"
  "Ah, yes, uhm, vacation gone wrong?" It was more of a question than an explanation. "Lovely base you've got, really like how you've decorated the place." Poe smiled sheepishly as he ran a hand through his curls.
  I cocked an eyebrow. "And I guess those injuries are souvenirs?"
  "Okay, okay. I got into a bit of a quarrel with your emo boyfriend." He shrugged. "Things got a little heated over an object of desire. You know how we men are," Poe admitted.
  The map.
  "Luckily, Ren was too busy with his other prisoner. If not, I could never have freed him," FN added. "Otherwise, Poe would have been in serious trouble."
  "No I wouldn't." Dameron snorted. "I'd have managed. You, on the other hand, would not. Because you need a pilot, you need me," he boasted.
  I had never seen Poe like this: the clear, but odd urge to prove himself. And what for?
  "I am sure I would have found someone else," FN bluffed in defence, rather impertinent for a trooper.
  Poe already opened his mouth to throw in another objection.
  I hushed him with a movement of my hand. "Okay, no one needs anyone, got it. But if you don't lower your voices you'll both be needing a lot of painkillers."
  FN looked a little shocked. Sure she must be exaggerating, he thought.
  "I don't know what you had in mind, but you can't go back now. You've helped free a prisoner and they'll know it, you're a traitor now. Past the point of return," I answered to his surprised expression. "So if you like it or not," I nodded at the both of them, "your escape also depends on the other."
Dameron didn't seem to mind in the slightest.
  "So you're not calling the guards then?" Poe asked with a grin.
  "Not yet, at least," I admitted with a sigh.  "But this is your final free pass," I warned, "for Corellia."

  "Tell me, why again am I freeing this stranger?"
  We were currently hiding behind a corner, close to the cell of the prisoner who had apparently distracted Ren when FN freed Poe.
I didn't want to aid them free more people than necessary, I already felt bad for helping break out Poe. So I decided to check who was in the cell first, and then decide for myself whether I should release them or not.
  "I see your hand has healed nicely." Poe changed the subject.
"I see your third eye has faded nicely," I countered. "You're pressing your luck, pilot." I shook my head.
  "I don't need luck. I've got you on my team," Dameron coaxed.
  "The coast is clear." FN returned from his 'patrol'.
  "You owe me." I reminded Poe teasingly before I stepped around the corner.
"And I am forever grateful." He smirked.

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