2. Scoundrels

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  I shook my head a bit, trying to clear the cloud of exhaustion. One that had been floating there dreadfully for the past few weeks.
I dropped my head against the headrest of the couch.
"I see you had quite a lot of fun today?" Armitage drawled, not looking up from the holopad in his lap.
  How much I enjoyed my new room, I had always liked Armitage's better. There was an ever present faint scent of ginger and alcohol mingled within the air, leaving one intoxicated with craving for more.
My head slowly raised again, a rather inviting plan having entered my mind. "You know what would make it fun?" My hand subtly settled on his knee. The heat of the fireplace got hotter and hotter, almost unbearable.
"Not now, I'm working."
"Working on your relationship?" My hand slid up his leg, and with a flick, I tossed the holopad off his lap. "Let us speak honestly," I whispered against his bare neck, my lips brushing his skin with every word, "you like your work, don't you?"
Armitage couldn't help it, no matter how often it had happened, no matter how small the gesture, his breath hitched with every touch, every time.
Patheti-, he almost scolded himself out of old habits. No, he told himself. She thinks I'm worthy of it. That's all that matters.
His eyes finally strayed, his gaze travelling up and down. "Oh, you already know, my genius, I love it."
My hands had found their way to the collar of his uniform, playing with it as I rose up to sit on my knees. "But how much, General?" My hands slipped behind his neck, my mouth hovered above his, lips not yet touching.
I felt Armitage's breath speed up, my fingers could sense his hasting pulse. His eyes closed, waiting for the kiss to come, wanting to savour each and every moment of it.
"Oh, I am sorry." I retracted my hands slowly, taking an elaborate way down his chest. "I shouldn't be bothering you right now." I grinned mischievously, ready to get off the couch. "You're working."
"Oh, I most am certainly not." Armitage's hands found their place on my waist and pulled me back down. He smiled cheekily against my lips. "It can wait."
I closed my eyes, palms resting on his chest.
"For you, everything can." The hands on my waist drew me closer, our mouths finally joining. His play of sucking lips and tender kisses, mixed with utter longing and admiration felt like sweet temptation. The apple's bite was worth every possible punishment.
To Hux our shared little moments made him think of the pleasure of getting to experience one's favourite book for the first time again. Untameable excitement and eagerness to read the rest, and yet hoping it would never end, afraid to turn the final pages. He pulled back for air.
I placed a series of kisses from his neck up to the ticklish skin behind his ear, down his jawline and ending back up on the corners of his mouth.
Armitage lunged forwards, hands woven through my hair, trying to claim my lips once again.
"Not now," I teased, avoiding his manoeuvres. "I'm busy—."
He caught my mouth, smiling against it. "I am sure you are."

Halfway in a passionate kiss, I felt a wave of fatigue struck me down. My lips froze and my breath faltered.
Armitage stopped right away, noticing something was wrong. "Dear, is everything all right?"
I slumped down against his chest, my head resting in the crook of his neck. "I don't know," I murmured. "A little tired, I guess."
With his thumb and index finger, Armitage lifted my chin. His eyes worriedly darted over my face, his other hand checking the temperature of my forehead. Once his examination was done, he planted a fond peck on my nose.
  "In my eyes, you will always be nothing but flawless." His thumbs grazed the bags underneath my tired eyes, his palms cupping my cheeks. "But your body does appear to be giving signals of exhaustion." He raised one eyebrow, his tone laced with the worried sternness of a General. "Why is that?"
I sighed, hiding my face beneath one of the lapels of his uniform. "It's silly," my voice muffled.
"It seems to be affecting you, therefore it is important to me." Tenderly, Armitage's finger traced figures on my back.
I left my cover and rested my chin on his chest, looking up at him. "It's because of... my father's invitation," I lied. "I am not sure whether to accept it or not." I paused. "He wants me to come to Corellia, that's all his message said."
  Hux thought about it for a moment, his ginger brows furrowed. "I know you are not overly fond of your home planet... but perhaps it would be good for you to take some time off, to close the old chapters of your life." He smiled at me, adoration laced his expression. "And you deserve a little vacation. I am certain the new pupils will cause mayhem, with or without you."
  Apparently Hux wasn't completely aware of my hatred towards my father, thus so much of a vacation it wouldn't be. But he was right about the first part, maybe it was best to finish business with my father once and for all.
  I doubted. He might be right, but I still didn't like the idea of going back to Corellia.
  "Do I need to order you?" Armitage raised his chin, eyes twinkling in mischief.
  "Very grown-up," I scoffed.
  "I am a very mature person." Hux objected with a snort. "I always apologise when I am wrong."
  "I have never heard you apologise." I cocked an eyebrow.
  "Why, I am never wrong."
  I exhaled a fake sigh, I gave up.
  "Am I to go alone?" I asked. I had got better at physically defending myself, but my mind might need some support. Certainly in times like these...
  Armitage was pleased I had accepted the offer, it had been an understatement to say I looked exhausted. My face being pale and all. "No. The base will be going under some renovations, so we can miss Ren. Gladly."
  A knot settled in my stomach. I smiled it away. "Thanks, Armitage. You're the best."
  "I know, love."

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