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Harry didn't see Louis for the rest of the day

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Harry didn't see Louis for the rest of the day. By the time they came back from lunch, they were again told that he had taken the rest of the day off and that they should consult Doctor Azka or the unit manager if they needed anything.

His first instinct was to send the doctor a message to find out if he's alright, but midway through typing he convinced himself that it's probably not a good idea seeing that he wants to keep his distance for a while.

So no message was sent, but Louis was on his mind for most part of the day.

When he got home a little later, he immediately took a shower and then had his dinner, Louis still on his mind, and he wonders if he should just send a message.

No. You're worried for nothing Harry, he convinces himself. You need to stay strong. Distance is what you need right now. But Purva said you shouldn't. No. It's not her heart that's getting stomped on. His thoughts are all over the place as he gets in bed and continues reading from where he left off the previous night.

He's officially finished with the first chapter when his phone vibrates next to him on the bed and he immediately picks it up- his heart sinking at the sight of the notification.

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Turning down Louis is probably one of the hardest things Harry's done in his life

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Turning down Louis is probably one of the hardest things Harry's done in his life. Okay, that sounds a bit dramatic. If he had to make a list of the hardest things he's ever had to do, this probably wouldn't even make the top ten, but he figures it's for the best. He's convinced himself that as much as he loves being held by the doctor, he needs more. And right now he's not sure Louis is able to give him that.

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