[5] Issues with the Heart

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A new chapter is here!
I forgot to tell you an important thing about the story.

The present scenario is written down when Advait is in the 12th standard. And the year is 2013.

Yes, so don't get confused. The story will get back to the present time with the coming chapters & upcoming twists, turns & tie storylines.

Enjoy reading!



It will be wrong to say that teenagers love disrespecting their parents.

The truth is they try to be careful each time they try to do something better, there is a curiosity in their minds to understand new things, new people, and natures of different thinking, and they don't tend to hurt anyone but put their perspective forward.

Similarly, it is also the age where you don't know what is correct for you or incorrect. You give more and take less. But that's for sure, you make mistakes. Good Parents are there to hold you.

There will be someone who'll not judge you, who'll not stop you from doing anything. That person will try to discern things from your point of view. For Advait, it's his father. He feels his father understands his situation.

You'll feel they are forcing you unnecessarily to study when you're just a minor teenager, also they give examples of different personalities who achieved the highest at your age. But everyone has different thinking and different personalities.

They want you to grow well, they just don't want their children to get in the wrong line. When they realize you're capable enough to make your life a living, they'll stop nagging you.

Advait is neutral by nature and determined.

Anand who's presently eating food.

Advait is having a hard time chewing his favorite Chole-Chawal because of his evening party with Reyhan and Vaibhav at Vaibhav's father's golgappe stall.
He didn't have any idea that his mother was going to cook his favorite food today.

Advait considers sometimes if a girl knows to cook the best chole-chawal and serves him daily. He'll give her his heart. But only when his heart is content.

Anand has come from the trip in the morning and looks weary and weak after performing four surgeries since the morning.

Sandhya who was serving good to Anaya asked Advait if he wants some more rice.

He nodded his head negatively.

"Advait. How was the coaching? You find it good?", asked Anand.

Advait choked on his food.

Don't they have anything to ask other than my studies?

Advait coughed badly after the food stuck in his windpipe.

Sandhya ran to his side concerned making him sip the water while Anand rubbed Advait's back pressing his backbone so that the coughing gets plummeted.

"Eat slowly", Anand instructed him. Advait's eyes were slightly red and tears due to coughing badly.

When his breath got normal and he started eating, Anand asked again,
"Tell me now"

Sandhya expects not to get a blunt answer from Advait. She knows he'll not do that blunt answers game with Anand but still.

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