Chapter 4

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(Dipper pov)

I change back into my normal clothes and pack up my things as Bill walks into the room. "You were spectacular, Dipper."

"I mean everyone did great. It was a whole team effort."

"Yeah, but seeing you flipping through the air like that was spectacular. And that fall...."

"That actually wasn't planned. I think my hand just slipped."

"Then be glad I was there to catch you."

"Trust me I am."

"It's a good thing for you that I will always be there to catch you when you need me to."

"Well, it's no mighty hero journey but I would highly enjoy it if you could walk me home again."

He does an overdramatic bow making me laugh. "It would me my pleasure, my good sir." I feel my cheeks heat up as he holds my hand and softly kisses the back of it.

We exit the building and he holds his arm out for me. I just roll my eyes slightly as I hook my arm in his and he leads me down the streets.

"So, was it a good turn out like you had hoped?"

"It was far greater than anything that I could have hoped for. Even after you have your fair cut given to you, I will have enough to keep me from having to find a place to rent out."

"You know what you remind me of?"


"Fiona, in the Shrek musical. A prissy rich kid who doesn't know the full extent of what it means to go through hard times."

"She suffered her own fair share of harships."

"Yeah, but they were nothing compared to what Shrek went through."

He turns to me with a mischivious smirk and before I know it he starts up the familiar song.

"I had nothing in that tower
Fighting boredom by the hour.
Princess lonely
Walking circles
I had only..

Bare essentials
Army cot
A hot plate and chamber pot.
And every morning I would boil it.
No choice I had no toilet.
Just a view of devastation
Out one window, isolation
In my bedroom
And very little headroom
Twenty years I sat and waited
I'm very dedicated
On the walls the days were added
Luckily those walls were padded

I think I got you beat
I think I got you beat
I think I got you beat
I think I got you beat.

Oh you think so.
That was a sad story but
I've heard better I'm just saying
A for effort thanks for playing
Sad to see a princess suffer
But I had it rougher
Like that time a mob with torchers burned my britches
See the scorches
You're just whiney
I had a flaming hiney
As I fled I had to wonder
If I were torn asunder
Would an ogre go to Heaven
Did I mention I was seven?
I think I got you beat
I think I got you beat
I think I got you beat.
I think I got you beat

No warm regards
No Christmas cards
And every day

Was hell on earth day.
Okay top this.
I missed my prom

My dad and mom sent me away,
It was my birthday.

I was sent away on Christmas Eve.

No warm regards
(Bare essentials
Army cot a hot plate and chamber pot.)

No christmas cars
(And every morning I would boil it.
No choice I had no toilet.)

And every day was hell on earth day
(Just a view of devastation out one window,
Isolation in my bedroom and very little headroom)

My dad and mom send me away, it was my birthday
(Twenty years I sat and waited I'm very dedicated on the
Walls the days were added luckily those walls were padded)

I miss my prom
My dad and mom sent me away...

I think I got you beat
I think I got you beat
I think I got you beat
I think I got you beat
I think I got you beat

Yeah yeah
Yeah yeah
Yeah yeah
Yeah yeah"

I look up at him and only now realize how close to each other we had gotten. My hands rest on his chest as he keeps one of his hands on the small of my back gently, his other hand cupping my cheek as he looks down at me with a gentle smile.

He leans closer to me and I feel his breath kiss my face. "I think I've got you beat." He says in a low voice, an amused smirk on his face.

I just laugh softly at this. "That is still up for debate."

"We could always just agree to disagree."

"Sure we could do that, but what's the fun in that?"

"It would be easier to just agree to disagree."

"Yeah, but I think my way is quite more fun."

"You are quite the interesting one. If you really want to continue this little debate of ours, we could always continue this back at my place. I promise to get you home once our little debate is finished."

His lips are inches from mine until we hear someone behind him and his face pales. "Bill?"

He instantly pulls away from me and sees a man dressed in a fancy suit standing behind him. It takes me a few seconds to realize that this is probably Bill's father. Bill clears his throat as he smoothes out his clothes, looking down not making eye contact with his dad.

"Father......I didn't think to see you in this part of town."

"A buisness partner of mine informed me about how far you've gone with your foolish idea." He finally looks at me just seeming more annoyed at my presence. "Who is this?"

"This is Dipper, he's a friend and buisness partner of mine."

He just scoffs. "That's hardly any buisness."

"My idea is successful enough for him to get a fair share of 10%."

"Isn't it bad enough you're fooling around with his kind that you actually try to partner with him?"

I look away feeling tears stinging my eyes. I turn to walk away when I feel Bill grab my arm. "Dipper, wait-"

I pull away from him, unable to even make myself look at him. "I have to go home. My sister needs me."

I walk away, not giving him a chance to say anything else.

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