Part 10: My Beauty

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After the events of Cassie being arrested in front of everyone for a murder she was actually a part of but no one was supposed to know that yet, Milo and Danny wanted answers. The only person they could think of asking those questions to was Ani since it was her dad that had probably put out the arrest warrant for Cassie in the first place. They were all in that same park they had been in when Danny first said he wanted to help them, sitting around the exact same table. Well, Milo and Ani were sat at the table whilst Danny was just pacing just to the side of them.

"Ani, what the fuck happened?" Asked Milo, trying to stay calm.

"I don't know" answered Ani. "Shouldn't you really be the one telling me that since it was you and Cassie that were actually there."

"Well don't know either" said Milo. "We were careful, no one saw us."

"Maybe someone did" replied Ani, thinking it was the only reasonable explanation.

"But who? Everyone was either passed out or not paying attention" said Milo, trying to think of every small detail.

"Do you think she's alright? What do you think they're doing to her?" Questioned Danny, biting his lip.

"They're probably just questioning her right now" responded Ani. "She wasn't just asked to come down to the police station for questioning, she was fully arrested. It means they aren't asking her speculation questions, they asking her questions that infer she is the prime suspect."

"We have to do something" said Danny, breathing heavier and if he was trying to hide how he might have been feeling about Cassie he was doing a bad job. "You know there's talks about not letting her come back to college. At least that's what some of my friends are saying. I mean, who knows? It'd make sense, the college not wanting that kind of publicity."

"Well you know what they say, all publicity is good publicity" replied Ani, trying to lighten the mood.

"No, it's not. That is completely and utterly wrong" said Danny, finally standing still and looking at Ani. "Whoever first said that statement had obviously never murdered someone."

"Alright, yeah... my bad" replied Ani, sighing.

"Okay, let's just stay as calm as we can until we figure out all the details" said Milo. "Ani, the best me and Danny are going to be able to do is just be patient whilst you try and find out what evidence your dad has on Cassie."

"How am I supposed to do that?" Replied Ani, panicking. "This is an open case and a very important one at that."

"I don't know, you'll just have to figure something out" said Milo, shrugging. "That's what we've been doing ever since we started all of this, we just have to carry on doing just that."

"I mean, sometimes my dad brings cases home in the attempt to stop bribed officers tampering with evidence" replied Ani, thinking about it. "I guess I'll just have to hope he does that despite no rich people wanting to buy anyone off this time."

"Alright, great. Go with that" said Milo, smiling and then glancing between Ani and Danny. "See... everything is going to be just fine."

Intro song: Fidelio - Tom Hillock -

Cassie had been in a holding area most of the time she had been in the police station. It was a completely stone room with one very uncomfortable bench and an extremely cold atmosphere. Cassie really did wish she was literally anywhere else right now. That was until a couple officers, different to the ones that had arrested her, appeared in the doorway and then led her to an interrogation room. Cassie was sat directly opposite Ani's dad, someone she knew to be quite unnerving and intimidating. Milo had sort of told her what his interrogation with Ani's dad was like and even then Cassie hoped she would never have to experience it. So, now Cassie no longer wished she was anywhere else, she just wished she was dead. Too soon? Maybe.

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