Part 9: 99 Problems

Start from the beginning

"You've got to be kidding" said Cassie, seeing that Milo was pulling her towards the balcony.

"Shit... the gun" replied Milo, running back quickly and picking the gun up from the floor as Cassie opened the doors to the balcony.

"Are we really going to do this?" Asked Cassie, breathing heavier. "We're running from the police and debating whether to jump from the first floor of a house."

"Well if we're really going to try and figure this out probably I don't see any other choice" answered Milo, smiling comfortingly and then once again taking one of Cassie's hands.

They both let out one last breathe and then jumped. Not too far and not too high because they were aiming for some bushes below the balcony that looked like the softest option. A few branches broke, there was so stabs and cuts to their skin, and there was the occasional tumble out onto the grass but overall it went alright and they were both fine. Milo was the first up, ducking down just as quickly when he saw the police entering through the front door. He quickly helped Cassie to her feet and they proceeded to scurry across the garden, trying to be as stealthy as possible. Eventually they made it to the fence at the back of the property, almost giving up because of how high it seemed. They had come this far though and Milo was determined for them to succeed. So, mustering all the strength he had, Milo knelt down and then slowly lifted Cassie up and to the top of the fence. When she was comfortably perched, she reached down as far as she could so she could reach Milo's hands. Trying their hardest not to make too much noise, Cassie pulled and Milo climbed until they were sat opposite one another.

"You ready?" Asked Milo, raising his eyebrows and nodding in the direction of the other side of the fence.

"I guess so" answered Cassie, smiling nervously before they both swung their other legs over and then jumped again, not as far a distance as the balcony but still quite a way. "Do you even know how to get back from here?"

"Erm... maybe. That's not my main concern right now though" said Milo as they started running through the miles of forest behind Ryan's house. "My main concern is getting as far away from Ryan's house in as little amount of time as possible."

Intro song: Fidelio - Tom Hillock -

Neither Milo or Cassie had a car so they had just had to as fast as they could. It was very tiring and occasionally they both wondered if it was worth it. I mean, if they got arrested by the police at least they'd be getting a ride somewhere. They ran and they ran until eventually they came across a road. Acting as normal as possible, they both walked out from the the tree line and started walking down the street. There were people around but no one seemed to be paying them much attention because this was one of the areas between the poor and rich neighborhoods which mean Milo and Cassie could be from wherever. They turned a corner and that's when Milo spotted a bus stop. Luckily the bus arrived only about 5 minutes after they decided to stop there and since they had both gotten the bus to Ryan's house they both had tickets already. As soon as they sat down, Milo felt his phone going off.

"Who is it?" Wondered Cassie, feeling like everyone was watching them.

"It's Ani" responded Milo, reading the messages. "She's saying her dad had to leave because of an emergency."

"You don't think" said Cassie, looking at Milo and insinuating.

"I think it's most likely" replied Milo, sighing as the bus started moving.

When they next could, Milo and Cassie hoped off the first bus and then waited for another one. The second bus would take them to Ani's house. They thought it was a good idea to go there and explain what had happened, prepare her for the news about Ryan inevitably coming out. Milo texted Danny and told him to meet them there as well. It didn't take long to get there, only about 10 minutes. Danny had borrowed his dad's car which meant he was traveling faster, therefore he arrived at pretty much the exact same time as Milo and Cassie. Ani let them in and then led the way to her bedroom, trying to move as quickly as possible so as not to get asked too many questions by her mum.

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