Start from the beginning

"Stop it!" Ga Eul said, her voice turning concerned as well.

"Come on."

"Hey! Jandi!"

Belle exclaimed, her stomach churning with anxiety. She scanned the crystal blue waters, but Jandi was nowhere to be seen. Despite the difficulty of wading through water up to her knees, Belle continued on.

"What's wrong? Jandi!"

Ga Eul yelled when she noticed a movement in the water.

Belle froze, her heart hammering in her chest when she noticed bubbles that arose.


"What's wrong?" Junpyo asked as he ran to the girls, concern and anxiety written all over his face.

"Jandi is acting strange." Ga Eul replied as she wrung her hands together, looking like she was about to cry. Belle reassuring patted Ga Eul's shoulder.

"I think she has a cramp." Ga Eul said.

Belle's eyes widened as big as saucers.

Jandi's head bobbled up from the surface before sinking down again. Belle refused to let Jandi be in danger and dove into the water.

The feeling of water against her skin as she swam was something Belle had always adored. She loved swirling in the water and her senses had seemed to be weighted as she was in a euphoria of calm. However, this was not the case as Belle furiously swam, Ga Eul's screams turning into distance nothingness.

Belle managed to get ahold of Jandi's arm. Jandi was thrashing frantically in the water, desperate for the oxygen that was escaping her lungs with each passing moment. The redhead pulled Jandi upward but Jandi kept violently thrashing as she struggled to breathe. Jandi turned limb suddenly, and Belle had no time to prepare, felt herself go in the water as Jandi's weight pulled her down. Belle hugged Jandi to her chest, as she slowly tried to swim upwards without panicking.

A hand helped to pull both the girls and Belle was grateful to see it was Ji-hoo. Ji-hoo pulled Jandi towards him, resting her against his chest as he slowly made his way to shore.

Belle sighed in relief, as violent coughs left her lips once her head was above water. She groggily followed Ji-hoo to shore, eyes stinging due to the salty water.

Ji-hoo carried the unconscious Jandi in his arms as the others gathered around to help him. He laid her down with the gentleness of a prince.

"Jandi!" Ga Eul said, shaking Jandi's shoulders. "Jandi!"

There was no response and Belle felt tears stinging in her eyes she cupped Jandi's face and shook her. "Jandi, wake up!"

After some anxious seconds that felt like years, Jandi scrunched her face and started coughing. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, as Jandi continued to violently cough. Jandi slowly opened her eyes, and droplets of water slowly made their way down her face.

Tension evaporated like water and Belle found herself squeezing the life out of Jandi in a tight hug. Jandi reciprocated and before she could even breathe, Ga Eul had taken her spot.

"Where did Junpyo go?" Belle asked in slight confusion. 

Woobin and Yi Jung shared a knowing look.

"He's afraid of water," Woobin explained. "As you already know he doesn't know how to swim."

"Why doesn't Junpyo know how to swim?" Jandi asked curiously as she drew her knees to her chest, shivering a little. Ga Eul buddled Jandi up in a towel.

"He was kidnapped at 8 years old."

"What?" The girls asked in unison in shock at Yi Jung's words.

"He had a male babysitter." The Potter continued to explain. "He was his bodyguard and driver."

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