Early Morning Rain

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6:34 am. August 15th

The storm crashed down ontop of Glynn's shed. Thunder shook the walls and ground, and his crew remained huddled close to the wall where they wouldn't get wet. "Good thing we brought the tarps old boy" said Glynn's fireman as he looked at the Coffee Pot engine's open cab with only a small metal roof to protect them. "Yeah, sorry I'm not much protection" Glynn said softly, his crew just laughing and his driver even elbowed Glynn's side. "Ah don't worry about it...hey, I know what will cheer ya up, Toby is actually coming to help out" his driver said, and Glynn couldn't help but smile. He was good friends with the old tram, they had worked together several times when he was owned by the quarry on Thomas's branch. "Ah goodie, running this place is hard work for a little old engine like me" Glynn stated and his fireman chuckled. "Your not old Glynn, your ancient" he teased as they set up the tarps and climbed into the cab, ready for their passenger work.

7:20 am. August 15th

The storm had worsened by the time Glynn rolled into the station, it had gotten so bad infact that the wind almost blew the tarps off of his cab. The visitors quickly scurried out and into the protection of the stores, before long a bell rang out as Toby rolled up pulling Henrietta and some old branchline coaches. "Ello Glynn, me and my crew figured you all would like some bigger and more modern coaches, seems like we were right" the old tram said with a smile. "Phew, yeah, thanks Toby" Glynn said as he shunted the smaller, older coaches into a siding and was just about to grab some of the 12 branchline coaches when he heard something. "Did you hear something?" Glynn asked and looked at Toby, Toby looked concerned, so Glynn blew his whistle to let everyone know to be quiet. What they heard made Glynn's face grow pale, sirens...the old air raid sirens...but he knew it wasn't that...but what was it. Tornado? Terrible storms? "HOLY CRAP THE DAMS JUST FAILED" yelled a man and everyone looked at him before he held out his phone. It was blaring out a warning, a flood warning, luckily for them however, they were on the third highest point on the island. So the passengers didn't freak out too badly, some children cried, family got together, parents called their children and children called their friends. "Okay everyone get inside the castle!" Called the familiar voice of Sir Robert "I have plenty of food and warm blankets, Toby, Glynn, get into the shed and your crews will come inside the castle as well...keep safe" Sir Robert yelled and everyone made their way to the castle, and the engines were backed into their sheds. "I'm sorry we have to leave you two in here" their crews said before shutting the door and running off. The two were now sitting in darkness, neither of them dared to speak...but in the far distance, they could have sworn that they heard Molly's whistle.

5:30 am. August 19th

Glynn and Toby woke up to the sounds of creaking of wood and metal. Looking forward they saw their crews opening the doors of their shed, and they all looked on edge. Soon the two were fired up and puffed out to the main station where some people sat with a tablet showing a map of the island. "Ah good you two are alright" Sir Robert said, he was wearing overalls and his grandpa's old cloth cap. "Thank you for your concern sir but...if I may ask, what's happening?" Toby said and Sir Robert sighed before shaking his head. "Alot of Sodor got flooded after the dams broke...three in particular had failed due to these bad storms recently" he explained. "And the mainland is still trying to figure out how to save the people of the island, and I personally don't wanna wait for them to get into gear...so we are doing it" Sir Robert said and the two engines looked at eachother. "You willing to do it?" Toby asked and Glynn smirked "oh hell yeah" he said before looking down at his owner. "We will start at Gordon's Hill, it's the most reasonable place to go in a situation like this, it's tall, and easy to access" Glynn said and Sir Robert nods. "Right, off you go then, there is a few vintage trucks and tankers you two can use to store fuel, make sure you take a few coaches too" he said, and the two did so. Each taking two trucks of coal and a tanker of water each, as well as two coaches between the two, Toby took Henrietta as well. And soon, the two left for the hill.

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