Chapter 10 - Helping Maddi

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Max's POV:

"Ok, here's the plan..." she begins,

"We're gonna take two separate cars, one with the girls and one with the boys. I know Maddi will want to be with Ash but he's gonna freak out too much so on the way there, you guys need to talk some sense into him." She starts, we all know that Ash is way too in love with this girl to let her be upset by us and he tends to get too consumed in the situation and loses sight of the long term.

"Sammy is gonna stay here with Haz, Lotte, Ty, Jakey, and Ben because there is really no need for them to come." She continues.

"Lex, you're coming because I can't be sure how this is gonna go and we might need your brain skills." We all know that he comes in handy in these types of situations.

"Cal, you're mainly coming to calm down Ash because you're the only one he is gonna listen to... and you'll help Luke a bit"

"Clo, I need you to just be a girl and try to keep her distracted by just talking about random shit." Chloe nods, knowing that this is the perfect job for her.

"And finally, Luke... I need you to be the bad guy because I certainly can't have Ash doing it and you're the next biggest" she says, looking up to her boyfriend apologetically. He sighs and looks back down at her sadly but nods, "Thanks baby, I'm sorry" she says sympathetically, she knows Luke isn't the type of person that enjoys restraining people so is very appreciative of his agreement. "Alright, let's do this people!" Ellie says, clapping her hands together as we follow her into the living room.

Madison's POV:

I've been sitting, crying hysterically into Ash's chest for a good 15 minutes now, and I suddenly feel a gentle hand on my shoulder. I turn around to see Ellie crouched in front of me, "hey Mads" she whispers, "hi" I sniff, wiping my nose on the sleeve of my grey hoodie. Luke passes me a box of tissues and I accept gratefully. "Ok Mads, I'm going to explain to you what is about to happen. I want you to try to stay calm until I have finished explaining everything ok?" Ellie begins. I silently nod and Ellie takes my hands before explaining her plan.

"Ok my lovely, what we are going to do, is Chloe and I are going to take you in the car with us to the clinic..." I interrupt with an involuntary whimper of fear,

"Shh, you're ok, just listen" Ash reassures before Ellie continues,

"When we get there, Ash will be waiting for you, ok?" I nod silently,

"Maxi and I will take you back and you can choose whoever you want to come with you, it can be everyone or it can be just one person, it's totally up to you. Then, we are going to get rid of that sore tooth and you will feel better in no time" she finishes, and I look at her, trying to find something that she said that I can logically argue against, but I can't.

Ash is always telling me that she just has a way with people, and she just knows how to help people even when they don't know how to help themselves. He says that he and his brothers talk about how creepy it is all the time when she is working late. I am certainly seeing what he means now but it doesn't stop me from being extremely nervous.

"Do you think you can come to get in the car with Clo and me?" she asks carefully. I shake my head as tears threaten to fall again, "Hey, hey, Mads, look at me. Let's go slow, all I need you to do right now is stand up for me" Ellie says as she stands up and tries to gently pull me with her. I sniff and shake my head again as Chloe comes up to us, "Maddi, do you remember when we went to the beach the other day and I got this massive sunburn, and you could see the awful tan lines of my swimmers when I got changed?" she asks, "yeah" I laugh at the memory, "and I was so embarrassed that you had to go out and buy me a cover-up just so we could get to the car" Clo continues as I feel myself being pulled to stand. I whine as I realise that every second that goes by, they are getting closer to getting me to the clinic. "Hey, Mads, I still haven't paid you for that, how much was it?" Clo asks, interrupting my thoughts, "it was like 15 bucks" I reply, "oh, awesome, remind me to pay you back later, ok?" Clo says and I nod.

Suddenly, I realise that the girls have led me out to the carport, "wait, what are you guys doing?" I ask, on the verge of tears, "hey, it's alright, you're doing so well, look what you've done without even realising it!" Ellie says, "you're so amazing, I'm really proud of you for getting this far!" she continues, "yeah, you're doing really well" Chloe adds. "let's get in the car and we'll keep talking" Chloe says but this is my limit. This is as far as I'm gonna go voluntarily. I crouch down and curl myself into a ball as the girls bend down to comfort me, "just breathe Maddi, can you look at me please?" Ellie asks and I lift my head to look at her, "sweetie if we give you some time, are you going to be able to get in the car eventually?" she asks and I just shake my head, "ok my love" she says sympathetically, hugging me. A brief wave of relief washes over me as I think she is going to let it go but then I remember how stubborn she is and instantly regret being so honest with her. I feel a large pair of arms wrap around me from the back and I panic, "hey, shhh, you're alright, just relax, you're safe" I hear Luke's voice say, "nooo" I cry, "please... put me down" I beg. "I'm sorry" he says, looking down at me sadly before laying me in Chloe's lap in the car and shutting the door. I immediately start sobbing as Chloe rakes her fingers through my hair and Ellie starts driving.

Somehow, Ellie has managed to get me into the dental chair, and I am sitting here sobbing as Max is behind me getting everything ready. Ash keeps squeezing my hand and Ellie is sitting nearby to help Max. Soon, Max has finished getting all the instruments that he'll need and puts a tray with a sheet covering it in front of me, "alright Maddi, let's get this done" he says as he sits on his stool next to me. "I'm just going to lay you down now, ok?" he says as he presses the pedal on the floor to lower the chair. As the chair lowers, I sit up. I don't know why because I know that I am surrounded by people that are stronger than me and there is no chance of escape. "Mads, it's ok, you can lay down sweetheart" Ash says comfortingly. However, when I don't do this Max and Ellie come in front of me and start to gently push me backwards, "n-no, don't do this... please" I whimper, "I'm sorry lovey, I promise, it's for the best" Ellie says as my back touches the seat. Max rolls himself behind my head, keeping his hands on my shoulders.

"Ok Maddi, can you open up for me? I just want to have a proper look at the tooth with my mirror, I promise I won't do anything else" Max asks, and I look to Ash sadly, he nods to me encouragingly and I hesitantly open my mouth, "good job sweetheart, thank you" Max says as he puts his mirror in my mouth to look at my tooth. I whimper after a while because I don't know what is taking so long, "you're alright sweet, you're doing really well" Max praises as he continues looking. Eventually, he finishes looking and allows me to close my mouth. He nods to Ellie and she looks back at him sadly before he starts talking again, "alright Mads, we're gonna get rid of this tooth now, ok" he announces and I look to him with pure terror on my face, "you'll be ok, just squeeze Ash's hand any time you feel uncomfortable and if you need us to stop, just raise your hand and we'll give you a break, alright" Max says, in response to the expression he is met with. "Alright, can you close your eyes for us please?" Ellie asks me, and I comply, "good job baby" Ash praises, "open up for me please" Max says, and I shakily open my mouth, "good job sweetheart" he commends. I then feel my cheek being pulled back and a cold gel on my gums and I whimper, "you're alright, it's just some numbing gel on a q-tip" Ellie whispers as she squeezes my shoulder.

Everyone falls silent once the q-tip is removed and all I can hear is metal tools being moved around. I get anxious at this and regretfully decide to open my eyes. As my eyes open, I see Max holding a massive needle and I break down, Max immediately puts down the needle and looks at me worriedly, "Hey, hey, Maddi, this is just medicine that is going to make sure you can't feel anything so we can get rid of that tooth for you" Max says, attempting to calm me down. "No! There is no way that thing is going anywhere near me" I say sternly. "Oh Mads, I know it looks scary, but I promise, it doesn't hurt nearly as much as your tooth does" Ellie says, and I look up to her, "promise?" I ask miserably, "when have I ever lied to you, my love?" she asks. She makes a fair point; I don't think Ellie has ever lied in her life.

"I'm sorry Mads, but we've gotta get this done" Max says, and I look up to see his genuinely sympathetic face. I slowly nod to him, "thank you, Maddi, can you close your eyes for me again?" he asks. I start crying as I close my eyes because of the pain I'm in. Ash takes both my hands and holds them on my chest, "breathe my love, relax. Everything will be ok" he whispers. 

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