Nothing granny, how are you

Dear. I know you too. Something is bothering you I can tell and where is your hubby huh? I can bet he never wants to see you cry.

I want to cry so bad.
Because it's true he is never their to look at me either I am crying, laughing..

Dear, tae you are worrying me
What happen

G-granny, h-he

Oh dear

He pulled me in a hug. It's been daysblike someone hugged me. I like it. I love it actually which is making me cry on her shoulders now.

Ssh ssh, everything will be alright.

She consoled me, after a time I pulled from the hug and apologize for my sudden outburst..

Oh young man don't apologize, you are like my kid. Hmm. Now tell granny what happen. Why were you crying hmm

I told her everything. She just listened to me.

... Doesn't he loves me?

She looked at me for a minute and then let out a soft smile.

Do you believe in love taehyung ah?

What type of question is that!

Yes granny, I told you I love him because I believe in love.

She chuckles, did I said something funny..

Then believe in your love dear. Love is a really strong feeling and the most beautiful..
You say you love him with all your heart. Then ask yourself ,will you ever want to leave that person.
Who gave you these beautiful feeling.
I don't know about him dear but I have seen pure love in his eyes.
Just do what your heart says. Talk to hi-

Granny he is never present. How I will talk to him

Tae, sometimes
It is about ourselves you know. We sometimes expect people to realise their mistakes and comeback to us. But sometimes. We just have to make realise what they did before its too late.
If you think it's too late. Then don't. But if you want him to stay then make him realise.

N-no, it's not too late.
B-but if he loves me, shouldn't he himself come back. If he loves me.

Oh dear. I am telling you. Love has ups and down. It's you who decide whether to give up or fight for your love.. You tell me dear. Do you want to give up your relationship you have for years or you want to make a new life with him, with his lesson learned. Everyone makes mistakes and if they do realise it. Second chance won't hurt you know..

That's when I realised. I can't give up on my relationship. Granny is right. My love is strong. I will not give up on him

I immediately hug her tight.

Thank you so much granny. Thank you.

She hugged me and pet my head..

You are the best granny.

I smiled
And it's not fake. I genuinely smile after days.

I know I am

She said.
I laughed and again hug her.
She is really a great person.

I bid my goodbyes with her and walked to my house which I will change into home.

It's 6 pm. Now.

Let's settle the things now.
I took my medicine.
And prepare dinner .
My favourite.

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