"You want another beer?" He tilted his head.

I didn't lose him. I smiled. "If you drink one with me."

"That's one thing I can do." He reached over and patted my hand that was resting on his arm. He stood up straight and walked back into the cabin. I followed him inside. He pulled out another drink, opened it, and handed it to me. I hopped up onto the counter and sipped on it. He stood in front of me, leaning against the kitchen island, staring and drinking his beer.

Within minutes, I heard foot steps on the porch. I could see Kayce listening for who it was. I was nervous at first but then I heard laughing and the screen door open.

"Wake up ya piece of shit, we're going bar hopping!" A strong accent rang out. I exploded into a fit of laughter, shaking my head.

"I'm awake, Rip." Kayce called out, chuckling.

The cowboy turned the corner, beer in hand, and cowboy hat on his head. His beard was scruffy and he had large shoulders and a broad chest. Did they only have good looking men working here? Rip froze when he saw me.

"Oh fuck." His eyes widened and he looked from me to Kayce back to me,"Ma'am. Sorry." He nodded at me.

I contained my laughter,"Well when are we leaving?" I asked.

Kayce looked over at me and Rip started chuckling. He smacked Kayce on the back then pointed at me,"Come on, girl. We're going now."

And out the door he went. Kayce shook his head at me, smiling from ear to ear. "You're gonna be trouble around here, I can feel it."

I jumped off the counter and down the rest of my beer then tossed it in the trash. "I heard you were into trouble." I teased and slipped in my painful sandals on.

"Yes ma'am." He smirked.

We walked outside. The truck was piled up with guys. The only room left was in the back seat. Only one seat.

Kayce opened the truck door for me. All the guys stopped talking and laughing. They stared.

"Who the fuck is this?" A black cowboy in corner asked.

"This is Ada. Careful, she bites." Kayce said with a serious face.

They all stared. I felt awkward for a minute. Unwanted and overstepping.

"How do you find these women?" The man next to him threw his hands in the air. "We live on a ranch, a  sausage party if you will, and you always come up with something like that."

"Ryan, you better watch it. Last time you hit on his woman you were spitting up dirt for a week." Someone from the front seat called back.

"Jimmy, shut the fuck up." Ryan called back.

"And he didn't even like that one." An older, Sam Elliot look alike, with a raspy voice hollered from the front seat. I chuckled and stepped up into the truck.

"You're not wrong." Kayce squeezed in beside me, draping his arm behind my shoulders. Now there were four of us in the back seat. "Ryan, I wanna see your hands the whole fucking time." Kayce growled. There were some Oh's and Oo's from the other cowboys, knowing it was a joke. But I looked up at Kayce, with a small smile. He winked at me and I leaned into him a little more. He squeezed my shoulder and somehow managed to pull me closer. He was warm. I could've fell into him and stayed there like that all night.

The first bar we pulled into was crowded. We stayed for a few minutes but the guys didn't like someone that was there so I convinced them to leave instead of starting a brawl. The next bar was still busy but not as rowdy.

Lonely Secrets: Yellowstone Ranch SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now