Poorly pretending they won, Zio trudged into the angled car.

The car seat was warmed up in advance.

“Where are we going?”

“It’s not fun, but a place we have to go.”

“Eh. It’s the center.”

Gyeon Zio rested her hands on her chin.

Beyond the window of the running car, the stars and the Babel Tower shone in the night sky of Seoul.


There are two powers that are related to awakeners in Korea.

One is the Korean Awakeners Association, which represents the interests and the rights of the awakeners.

The other is the Korea Awakening Administration. The so-called ‘center’.

At first glance, the picture was that the association would dominate, but surprisingly, they were able to properly maintain a balance without bias.

Before the disaster, people expected everyone to move after their own interests by the end of the year, but when disaster really arrived upon the land more people than they thought chose justice and had a sense of duty.

And among them were some of the most talented people.

Those who gave up so many things and dedicated themselves to their nation.

The place they were visiting was the emergency response team under the center.

“Relax your shoulders, Kwon Gye-na.”

“Oh, I see.”

There were several teams in the emergency response team, but the most famous team was Team One.

The primary rescue and suppression team under the ranker Kim Si-kyun.

Under his direct lineage, it was a national elite group that Kim Si-kyun had personally picked and raised.

However, it was hard not to be nervous on a day like this.

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Kwon Gye-na swallowed his dry saliva.

Had he ever been this nervous since his first interview with the team leader?

“You’re not relaxing at all. What are you gonna do when the bodyguard is more scared than the security guard?”

Team leader Kim Si-kyun said with an ordinary face.

Kwon Gye-na became a little embarrassed.

“…it’s bound to happen. Leader has seen them a few times, but today’s my first time….!”

“Lower your voice.”


A Korean restaurant on the outskirts of Seoul.

All personnel other than government officials had been kicked out.

Security couldn’t stay in the same area.

In case of an emergency, only Team Leader Kim Si-kyun could come in because of a condition that the other side had asked for.

All the elite agents, selected in order of weight, had to wait in the next room beyond the screen.

It would be ridiculous considering that the only security target is the director of the administration.

If the other person wants to hurt you anyway, there is no way, so you have to accept it.

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