In the middle of the downtown area, covered with various banners such as 〈Retake of the Throne Bomb Sale〉and 〈King’s Return Discount Event〉

Zio stood in front of the signboard that said〈Everyone passed! The 100% passing rate of the myths!〉

“…A Specialist for the entrance exams… the university that brings back even dead students…”

No, if you’re gonna save someone, why not just become a hunter…?

“Gyeon Zio, what are you doing there! Come quickly.”

“…Yeees sir.”

“Are you going to answer shortly?”


In front of the elevator, Mrs. Park looked nervous.

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Today’s outfit was also in perfect combat mode, not of a Yakult Fresh manager.

She even ate from a bag embedded with mana stones that was said to be distributed in limited numbers only to top rankers by a certain luxurious brand

“Are those the only clothes you have?”

There it is.

The attack of a sensitive mom no.1, point out the outfit.

“It’s the latest swag.”

“What swag? You look like those homeless people in the Seoul station, I am going to cry. Hey. I told you not to buy clothes on the internet, but to go and try them on, didn’t I? Also what’s wrong with your hair? Why don’t you take this out right now?”

“Ah, my hairband! My hip-hop spirit!”

“What kind of state of mind are you in! If you fail to enter the college again this time I will take your file out of the family register!”

“Going there is not everything in life! Even in college, I choose what mom says every day, just like shopping!”


Gyeon Zio launched a meaningless rebellion.

Mrs. Park’s extreme anger was coming back.

“If you don’t go! Huh? If you don’t go to college! What are you going to do? Are you a parasite? Are you going to be a parasite who receives a prize at Cannes, you bastard!”

[Your contractor, ‘The Reader of Fate’ informs you that the mother and daughter have reached the elevator.]

After being hit back to back Zio climbed up with tears in her eyes.

Take a deep breath

“T-Twice! Ah, I’ve never been hit by my father before…!”

“It’s a shame that you don’t even have a father. Why don’t you be quiet?”

Receiving an insult for a parent back.

Zio was shocked and shut her mouth.

‘S-she is like an old lady who would greet even Satan if he failed to recognise her.’

After the meaningless argument that she had lost yet fought well in, she arrived at the reception desk.

The 7-story building was splendidly flashy as it showcased the sweat and tears that had been drained by the entrance exam students.

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And this is where Gyeon Zio’s last chance was in, the three-timer who had run away from home but then returned.

Last Night.

Mrs. Park gave the final notice to the No.1 World ranker who shuddered and knelt down.

「This is your last chance. This place was really difficult to find, so if it doesn’t work here just go join the monk in Gangwon-do. Get out of this world. Got it?」

「Tha-, ack-, I’ll follow you…!」

“First of all, our Optimus is run by a small elite with a maximum capacity of five for each class. It provides a one-on-one customized curriculum and provides perfect care for students through the homeroom system. There are no general students, only art and hunter-related students are being taught intensively. So there’s quite a lot of competition here… and I heard you are being introduced by Seon-young’s mother?”

‘Seon-young won’t leave me alone.’

“Seon-young was such a model student, so we readily accepted her because she was a childhood friend…”

‘Jin Seon-young is my enemy.’

“The future of the students depends on it, so I will tell you directly.”

“Yes, teacher. I’ll listen carefully.”

Kim Jo-young, who tied her hair tightly without any disruption, put down Zio’s report card.

As if she just touched something dirty.

“This student is hopeless, Mother.”


“I heard that you have set your target university as H, but it is impossible to enter the Seoul metropolitan area as well as in Seoul. Most local universities would be ashamed to receive applications with these grades.”

“Unless the student’s skill level for art is Picasso’s level then just give up and start learning now. You’ve raised, not educated.”

“T-Teacher Kim Jo-young!”

Teacher, we can’t.

We have to send our Zio to H.

“It is beyond my ability. So I’m sorry, but this is the consultation…”

Tak. Mrs. Park loudly put her bag on the desk.

Kim Jo-young’s eyes shaked a little.

‘Wait, that’s the Hermes Ranker Special Limited Edition…?’

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“I wasn’t going to tell you this.”

Park Soon-yo, the power breathing mother, once said ‘A ranker’s mom hides their power.”

“My poor son uses the name Gyeon alongside his name Ji-rok.”



‘I’m out of breath…’

Shrimp Gyeonjio, who was caught between the fight of the two giants, shrank. Please save the world.

And after the silent battle between the experts.

Kim Jo-young, who was silent, moved her hand. She slowly lifted up the report card that she had put away.

“…our Optimus Prime is famous for its intense Spartan style. Do you still want it?”


“Does that mean you’re willing to live with it no matter what happens, mother?”

“I will trust the teacher.”

“Okay. Then leave Zio’s grades to me, and mother just take care of Zio’s health.”

The atmosphere then relaxed. The two women gently shook hands.

“You have a wonderful son.”

“Haha. I only barely managed to rescue one of the three.”

“Then maybe the youngest also has this kind of grade…?”

“She’s a YouTuber.”

“I’m sorry.”

‘Damn it.’

‘Zio looked at the scene with a chewed expression.’

Either way, on this Spring day the whole country was as excited as if it’s a festival.

Outside the window, there was a black dragon advertising balloon engraved with the phrase “World Rank No. 1” that floated around Seoul City this morning.

Floating. Without anything in mind.

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