I Know That We Are Young Part 1

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It was inevitable. Literally. Charlie was always going to have to face others acknowledging the undeniable chemistry he had with Madison. And also that Madison would want to express herself in the form of original music. It just sucked that it all came at the same time. He was a glutton for punishment. He knew that about himself. Which is why he couldn't keep himself from lurking on fan accounts.

That is how he came across all the comments and posts about them. Of course there were people who made stuff but they always said it was not a shipping post. And people always shut down anything romantic happening between him and Madison. Now, it seemed like more people were willing to talk about it. With Madison's birthday less than two months away...it was expected. But then the EP.

He had been excited to hear what Madison had come up with besides "Te Amo" and "Main Thing". She was a wrecking ball of talent after all. And her voice had gotten even better since she recorded the album for Julie and the Phantoms. As she talked more about it though, dread filled him. She wanted to talk about love. Yes he understood she wanted to have songs about different kinds of love but... "Te Amo" wasn't a one off that could be swept under the rug. She had other songs. And one of them seemed to be very specifically about them.

They both knew that their relationship wasn't normal. He should think of her as another little sister. She should see him as her annoying and gross older brother. But it wasn't like that. As soon as they met, they clicked. And no matter what they did, they always had fun together. It was even hard for them to really argue or not get along. He always folded with her and they were always happy with each other.

He tried to erase the way he felt. He really did. But no one could compare to her. No one could make him feel so at ease with just a smile. No one could make him laugh like her. Or make his heart race the way it did. She was unlike anyone else he knew. And he was addicted. But he shouldn't be. He couldn't be.

So he had to distance himself from her. He had to stop people from talking. He didn't want people making assumptions about the two of them. It was not a good look. He could never forgive himself if he was the reason that people turned on her. But he couldn't let her know. She deserved to focus on her birthday and EP coming up. Not worrying about him. So he didn't. He clicked the button just below her IG bio.

Charlie's decision came back to bite sooner than he thought. His phone was blowing up with texts from Madison only a few days later. And before he could even respond, he saw her beautiful face as she FaceTimed him. There was no way he could hide from her. She would just call Amy and Amy would strap him down if Madison told her to. "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?!?!? YOU UNFOLLOWED ME!? EXPLAIN. NOW."

He had to pull his phone back because even with her on speaker, his ears rang. "Madison, breathe. You look like you are about to pass out." Madison's normally brown cheeks were bright red and her eyes kept darting around, completely unfocused. She was a mess. Charlie actually swore that her frizz was getting worse by the second.

He could tell that Madison was furious but she listened and took a few deep breaths. "The fans said you unfollowed me. What is this all about?"

Charlie grabbed a fidget spinner from his bag and messed with it to keep some of the nervous energy down. "I did. Your public professional Instagram account. I didn't unfollow everything else."

Madison's eyes were dead on him. "Why?" It was short, curt. Almost cold. It made his stomach turn.

"Fantoms are starting to talk Mads. About us. And your EP is going to have them making up theories. I am trying to get it to die down. If I don't interact with you on social media, people will think we are not as close and stop."

Madison had that look on her face like she was about to slap him. Thankfully she couldn't do it through a phone screen. "Let me get this straight. Your logic is that if you unfollow me that that will stop people from talking about us romantically. In your weird attention deficit brain, you think this is the best way to protect anything we have and anything in the future. Okay.....You are so fucking dumb! Now there are people who are going to harass us both and want to know why you did it. Do you see the flaw here?"

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