Chapter 2: Return to the Cold

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She was seconds in to mourning a sibling. That was all Queen Susan knew in that moment. Her heart was shattered and the world fragmented around her as the soul-quaking sting of grief lashed against her.
This was not what was meant to have happened. Something had gone wrong. Awfully, disastrously wrong and now- now-

"Susan, My Gentle," Cor was speaking softly but concerned from beside her, carefully moving damp hair from her forehead. "It was but a dream. You're safe."

The Gentle Queen looked to him, her beautiful eyes wide and wet with tears. "We have- I have to go to Cair Paravel."

Hastily, she untangled herself from the covers and climbed from the bed, already in search for suitable travelling attire.

"Won't you take a breath?" Cor replied, sitting slowly, watching the usually composed Queen take three attempts to get her arm through a sleeve. "Can it not wait until tomorrow? We have the Galma-"

"I'll go alone."

"Cor, I have to."


Death javelined towards its unintended target. Fear, shock- frozen in a heartbeat. Helpless horror, captured and suspended in a single breath.
But then, a figure obscured death's path, redirecting it into their own chest.

Princess Dawn and Queen Leah awoke simultaneously. Their eyes locked from across the dying campfire. With their waking a clear enough confirmation that they'd both experienced the same thing- or at least something very alike- the Witches got to their feet.

"Ed, Emmett- Wake up, we've to leave... Edmund!"

The Just King had his sword drawn in a second, though struggled for a moment to sit up properly, the rocky cave ground beneath him doing little to help.

"Wh- what? What's happening?"

"I think Dawn and I just had a-" a nightmare? The Queen shook her head for a moment. They both knew the difference by now. "premonition. We have to get back to the others- now."

"It's only a day's ride." Dawn chipped in, handing a bleary looking Emmett his cloak. "It'll be light in soon, anyway. We can make it back by afternoon."


The universe contorting, struggling, ripping. Ripping itself apart, ripping him apart. Eternal cosmic horror and suffering unlike any being would ever experience. His soul, his essence, his life, his legacy, reduced to nothing, as even the pieces of his essence and the atoms of his soul were ripped further, completely reversing his creation, and erasing him from existence, until even the memory of his bloodcurdling screams were wiped from reality itself.

A magical blast. A white tomb. A heavenly death. She saw it all unfold, eternal horror compressed into a fleeting second, as the icy cold of death itself shrouded the man in front of her before it set its sights on her. The White Witch, Jadis, emerging from the trees, as all-consuming death threatened to bore into her body like claws. The man appeared to be dead, and for all she knew, she would be too.

David and Lucy awoke simultaneously, with David crying, begging to be saved, clawing and hugging Lucy desperately as he refused to process he was alive, and Lucy clawed onto him with equal desperation, unwilling to lose the one she loved, with Lucy streaming silent tears while David bawled into his wife.

There were no words spoken between the two of them, only the fear and terror that gripped them both.

They said nothing, but they felt everything.

Lucy could feel David's fear as if it was her own, on top of the fear she was already feeling. After a time, she sent David back into a peaceful, loving sleep, guided by her powerful Magick.

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