Rehabilitation Again

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(y/n)'s POV

How many days has it been? Ten? Twenty? Thirty perhaps? Well, regardless of the time that has passed...

"I'm in excruciating pain!" I yell out. "Can't you be more gentle applying that medicine onto my stomach Aoi?! I'm dying here!"

"Shut up! Unless you DO want to be dead, I suggest you quiet your mouth and let me do my job!" Aoi shouts back, almost crushing the small glass container of medicine with her bare fists. "All you've been doing for these past weeks is just lying in bed and sleeping!"

"Does it look like I'm having a luxury life here?!" I shout back to counter Aoi's shouting. "I've been through far worse than what you've ever experienced!"

"Shut your mouth!" Inosuke bellows, louder than Aoi and I combined.

Aoi is seemingly blown away by the volume at which Inosuke shouted at, freezing in place. Inosuke storms over to my bedside table and snatches all the food on it, tempura and all.

"All you've been doing -munch- whenever you two come into contact -crunch- is argue!" Inosuke says in between large bites, stuffing the food under his boar head. 

"That's gross!" Aoi says, disgusted. "At least finish chewing before speaking! And don't steal (y/n)'s, or anyone's, food! Eat your own!"

"I have. Why do you think I'm borrowing (y/n)'s food?" Inosuke says. "If you're going to blame anyone for me borrowing food, blame yourself for not giving me larger portions!"

Aoi just sighs and finishes applying the medicine before grabbing the empty tray on which my food used to sit atop of. She then says she's going to grab another potion of food for me, and Inosuke quickly follows her to the kitchen, telling her to give him another 2 servings of tempura.

"I wonder how Tanjiro and Zenitsu are doing." I ask myself. "Zenitsu has come a long way since the time I first saw him."

Speaking of Zenitsu...

I look to my side and see Zenitsu still sleeping like a log. Seriously, all things considered, I admire him for being able to sleep through anything. I'd placed a bet with Inosuke that he'd be able to sleep through him a house fire, but that's before Aoi overheard us and beat us to a pulp with a carpet beater.

I chuckle as I remember the first few nights were full of arguing, screaming, crying, and yelling. Mostly between Aoi and Zenitsu, but sometimes I'd jump into the verbal disagreements when they continuously wake me up.

Tomorrow will my first day of rehabilitation training. Well, technically not the first, but you know what I mean. The training regime is composed of three parts: stretching, reflex training, and a simple game of tag. Not looking forward to it, but I got through my training last time, so that means I can get through this one.

The Next Day... 

I get out of bed along with Tanjiro and Inosuke, who seem unhappy (to say the least) to start their training. They've only been training for about a week or two, but it must be physically or mentally (or perhaps even both) difficult. As we all enter the training room, Aoi gives us a run-down of everything.

"Alright, I can do stretches." I say.

"No, we'll do them for you." Aoi says.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I ask.

My question is soon answered, as I see Inosuke being folded like cloth by Naho, Kiyo and Sumi. I suddenly see why the training is so intense. Inosuke's back is being bent like a twig! And it looks like it's about to snap!

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