bill loses his stutter

366 6 55


may 31st 2:14
mike wheeler antis

simp for eddie: just got told i was going to hell lol

bird boy: who's mom did you do this time

simp for eddie: NO ONE'S ACTUALLY

simp for eddie: so my super religious and homophobic english teacher told me to write an essay about my favourite thing for extra credit since i'm failing. sooo i wrote about my boyfriend. then she gave me this entire lecture on how i was going to hell for being gay and ON TOP OF THAT failed me

dead brother core: aww eddie's your favourite thing?

simp for richie: aw that's actually cute

simp for eddie: THAT WAS YOUR TAKEAWAY??

dead brother core: okay i'm sorry you have a terrible english teacher?

bad hair: yeah that rly sucks dude

simp for eddie: yeah it does

*jonathan added argyle to the group chat*

argyle: sup brochachos

bowl cut: hey argyle

bad hair: ok if you get to add ur strange friends i get to add mine

*bad hair added eddie munson to the group chat*

hot person: oh god please no

eddie munson: HEYY who are you? hot person?

hot person: none of ur business

bad hair: that's robin. i'm steve

eddie munson: "bad hair" HAHA TOLD YOU MINE WAS BETTER

wasp repellent: SO TRUE EDDIE

simp for eddie: why are there two eddie's

eddie munson: why are u simping for me 🤨🤨

simp for eddie: not u. humble urself

simp for richie: yeah hi i'm eddie too. sorry about richie he's annoying

eddie munson: "simp for richie" alright alright

dead brother core: THANK YOU


dead brother core: i am in fact max

mayo: who added him?? (-nancy)

eddie munson: mayo?? why do i not get a cool nickname??

*wasp repellent changed eddie munson's name to better hair than steve's*

better hair than steve's: HEY THANKSS. who the hell r u?

wasp repellent: dustin

bad hair: he eats wasps

better hair than steve's: oh? nice??

argyle: what about me? ☹️☹️

*jonathan changed argyle's name to purple palm tree*

purple palm tree: dude

purple palm tree: sickkk

simp for eddie: okay who the hell are these people

bad hair: cooler than you

better hair than steve's: who are THOSE people

hot person: more of steve's child friend

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