Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

In a wonderland we lie

Water splashed around its tires as the car sped on the highway to Agra. It was an early morning shower waking up the cities.

Zoya glanced at the dashboard that had a small clock on it with 4:58 flashing. They had been on the road for about an hour now. Why Mr. Dracula Ahmed Khan wanted to leave this early was beyond her. Who cares if it was crowded?

Just elbow them right back, if they elbow you. Simple.

But she didn't want to say anything lest his highness got offended. Especially now that he had gone back to being his Akdu self. The exact kind she despised.

She could hear his voice discussing stocks with Jeeju again. They both had freakishly a lot in common. A feat impossible to believe mainly considering her Jeeju wasn't an absolute, emotionless robot most of the time.

She let her lids close and sleep take over once more drowning out everything.

It was 6:47 when she woke up. They had stopped to have breakfast and give driving Asad a moment to relax.

Six hot teas and a black coffee arrived at the table.

Mission Asya founders looked at their prime targets with dismay, sipping at their drinks. Every experiment under the sun had been conducted, every excuse used. They had been sent on fake chores, left alone purposely, accidentally made to fall onto each other, even blatantly forced to strike a pose together.

But no, these two had sworn to be miserable.

Dilshad wasn't far from detecting the shady operation either. All her children were behaving weird, especially her daughter. Didn't she know Asad and Zoya hated each other's guts. What was up with all her 'strike a pose photography'

Was it a prank, she wasn't a part of?

But most importantly, why weren't they hating each other's guts. Something was going on. And right under her nose.

Anwar and Zeenat observed Zoya's face and shared a look, she seemed sad again. They had thought the trip was doing her some good, but the last few days in Jaipur weren't spend with the firecracker Zoya. She'd been more of a quietcracker.

Her Aapi tried to spark some reaction once everyone got in the car "So Zoya, Hameeda was telling me her nephew lives in Agra, wouldn't it be great if you two can meet"

Her ears perked "Why?" she asked slow and careful.

"What do you mean why. To spend some you know, time together, make new friends" The car jerked forward in an abrupt fashion sliding everyone to the edge of their seats.

"Sorry, clutch acting up" Asad mumbled, his breath heavy, eyes and ears glued to the back seat.

"I already have a lot of friends Aapi, I don't need another"

"Zoya, He's a nice boy, engineer, smart, good looking. Ab nahi dekhenge toh kab dekhenge. Anwar samjhaiye na"

"Jeeju, trade seats with me please"

"Zoya!" Zeenat whined offended.

"Aapi hum Taj Mahal sirf visit karne ja rahe hain. Khuda ke liye, mujhe Mumtaz na banaye"

The next five minutes were spent huffed and puffed between two sisters but not before Noshini noticed Asad's fearful eyes.


Only romantic melodies floated through the car on Najma's request. Maybe they'll understand the meaning behind soulful words and get their heads right!

Asad wasn't a happy camper. And it made him even more mad that Zoya took Aapi's wedding talk so casually. He had no right to be angry or frustrated but he was. Pure and undiluted fear washed through him at the mention of her marriage and he didn't know what to do with these heightened feelings.

The race pedal suffered more pressure now and it didn't go undetected. When she looked at him with concern, his nerves calmed a bit. Her noticing him repeatedly brought comfort.

Failing to keep her stares to herself, Zoya rested her head on the window, closing her eyes. They would only open to see the glory of Taj, she promised.

It wasn't a bad promise to make for the sight was well worth the wait. The magnificent white beauty stood strong as a symbol of love. The sun rays filtering through the hefty clouds reflected on its shiny surface and made it nothing short of a fairyland.

Everyone stood hypnotised, cameras forgotten, they walked towards it in the moment. The reflection of Taj in the water was a sign of great vision and architecture, the work of finest artisans to make the world's greatest gift.The hazy sunshine reflecting in the banks of Yamuna beside it, gold on blue, they walked slowly all around it not wanting to miss a single angle.

"You can't enjoy the full beauty of it from outside Sir ji, please come, I'll show you everything" a tour guide practically dragged Anwar and family away.

He started with the history of it all describing the beautiful calligraphic inscriptions, the architecture, the facts and the rumors. The group moved along the exquisite interior octagonal chambers encircling the monument. Zoya stopped to touch the plant motifs carved out of marble on the wall.

"But unfortunately, before the dream of black Taj Mahal could come to life, emperor Shahjahan passed away" he finished.

"That's it, this is my new standard. I'm either getting Taj or never getting married" Noshini announced while everyone laughed. Asad handed the guide some money before he said jokingly,

"Phir toh sir ji ko madam ji ke liye bhi banvana hoga."

Everyone paused to look at the couple he spoke about as they both attempted to point out painfully awkward "We're not...ummm..." Asad and Zoya started simultaneously, looking at each other.

"Yeah, not together" Zoya finished pursing her lips unhappily.

"Oh, I'm sorry, you both make such a good couple that I thought..." He made a move to hastily leave. He didn't want his generous tip cut in half.

Najma snickered elbowing Zoya, speaking loud enough so that everyone heard.

"He's not wrong, you two do make a good couple."

Dilshad eyes widened wondering if her daughter had a death wish. Meanwhile, the pair wished for earth's core to open and swallow them both.


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