Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

A puzzle unsolved

'Thanks for letting me stay in your house' her words vibrated through his brain. They had been running on his mind like a loop since the last hour. He couldn't do anything. The drive home was a torture. No amount of work could take his notice away from it.

The looming future he tried so hard not to wonder about had finally made space in his conscience.

'Stay at your house', he repeated to himself in the silence of the living room. Asad sat on the big sofa, still dressed in his suit, briefcase in lap, unable to focus.

It was happening, wasn't it. The very thing his nerves had been stretched tight about. The very thing he wanted to wish non-existent. The very thing he had thrown in her face a thousand times.

She was his guest. One that had fulfilled the purpose of her trip, one who had just thanked him for 'welcoming her family warmly.'

Asad knew she never meant to hurt him with her words but she did. It might be an innocent note of gratitude, but for him, it was the beginning of an end.

He didn't want it.

Didn't want any of her thank you's.

Didn't want Aapi and Jeeju to take her back.

Didn't want any of it to end.

"Hum shopping karke a gaye" Najma announced "Hi, Bhaijaan"

Asad did his best to smile back.

"What's your miya so grumpy about?" Noshini whispered to Zoya.

"Noshu" she exclaimed horrified. Phuphi was right behind them!

"What? You clearly have the hots for each other"

"Allah Miyan" she said a little too loud. Everyone's eyes trained on her. "Allah Miyan, kachori...kachori laana bhul gaye" she muttered pathetically.

"What, I thought they were right here" Dilshad grabbed the bag from her hands and started searching.

"Here, I'll find them for this bhukad. You rest Khaala" Noshini took over the task and winked at Zoya's glaring face.



Threats had been made; penalties announced. She had to make Noshini behave otherwise stupid sabke saamne bhaanda fod degi. Especially when she didn't even understand what the damn bhaanda held.

She had feelings for him. Yes. She didn't want to leave just yet and was beyond thankful for Najma's trip planning. Yes. And she didn't want to think about it any further than that. Also, yes.

The broken pieces of her had finally started to reattach; but under no circumstances was she put to them in the right places.

A puzzle she would be for now.

When the hand of clock would force her – and she knew it would soon – only then she'd sit and unscramble this mess. But certainly not when his big brown eyes were staring her down like this.

He couldn't drag his eyes away.

She was so beautiful in the moonshine. She didn't really look at him that much - not did anybody else for that matter - deeply busy in planning tomorrows. So, he took the chance fearful he might not get any more moments in the time to come.

"Oh my god, I totally remember that poem you wrote. Your best work one might say" Zoya's tinkling laugh brought him back from the trance he'd went into.

"Right, of course you do!" Zoya said rolling her eyes playfully in reply to Noshini.

"I do! It was so deep and meaningful unlike some other umm sheyar shayaris" she closely escaped Zoya's punch laughing whilst Zeenat thanked her god for her child's smiles. And she was not the only one.

"I swear, it made me look at you totally different. Here goes" she cleared her throat before reciting

"I miss the way we would hold hands,

under starlit nights and alive skies.

I miss the way he would look at me,

soul deep and penetrating eyes.

But mostly I miss a day to come,

when prophecies and meeting of hearts

shall coincide.

'Miss the way', ladies and gentlemen" Noshini finished saying moving her hand dreamily through the air.

Struck, everyone looked at the poet.

"Allah Miyan" Dilshad and Najma blurted in enchantment almost simultaneously.

"Shukriya" She refused to look in Asad's direction even when she laughed; the rest of evening spent pretending he was invisible.

Hours later, when he sat in solace on the terrace where everyone had said good nights; eyes closed, only her words played in his mind.

His insides matched the weather, something coiled inside him like a long, slow wind 'when prophecies and meeting of hearts shall coincide' he murmured into the air, thoughtful.

How could she be so eccentric yet beautiful, so spontaneous yet profound. Now how was he supposed to 'deal with it' like he'd told himself. She was just easy to lo....

A gentle breeze caressed his face then, as if to concur and complete unfinished.


Morning brought with it flurry, exhilaration and delight.

'You ladies better eat something' Aapi was seen stuffing parathas into the kids' mouths. 'Do not forget anything please, I am not turning back' Asad had repeated at least a dozen times primarily looking at Zoya. She chose to roll her eyes. 'Take my picture' were the constant requests of Noshini and Najma. Those two were getting along like fire.

Dilshad counted the number of heads while Anwar generally stayed out of everyone's way. After double checking and rechecking that checking, the car left for the airport.

It was a small five-hour flight with a layover. The excitement in the air was tangible.

Zoya and Noshini giggled non-stop at the concept of flying 'first class'. Not that they couldn't, they merely never thought of being all that swanky.

The trip was swiftly and secretly named 'Jahapanah tusi great ho' Najma joined in and more giggles followed.

Asad moved the newspaper from his face frowning at the noise but shortly forgot after a dimple made an appearance.

When Zoya instinctively glanced at his half-smile filled appreciative gawking, he hid hurriedly behind his paper defence.

Good God, cut it out, he ordered himself.

It was almost a three-hour car ride from Jaipur to Ajmer after touchdown. Asad chose to drive himself. Najma and Noshini squeezed in the far back seats with Zoya, Zeenat and Dilshad in the middle and the men in front.

"Anwar, now please do not try your 'I know it skill here' Khuda ke liye turn on the GPS" Zeenat teased.

"But I know it" when he meekly muttered with ears red in response, even Asad let out an easy laugh with all.

It was Zoya's turn to stare. When he noticed, she moved her neck to girls sitting in the back.

Allah Miyan, cut it out, she ordered herself.


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