31. Once Again, What The Fuck

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The next morning, light seeps through the line between the navy blue curtains, and through the sleepiness I can sense him watching me.
"It's rude to stare, Owen Harper."
He chuckles his gravelly chuckle I've come to like, and I turn to look up at him. He's naked covered by the duvet, as am I, and he's propped up on one elbow looking at me with this expression I've never seen in him before. It's so serene, so admiring, like he's in a museum and I'm the exhibit. It's bordering the line between weird and nice.

"Good morning, Evelina," he whispers, although there's nobody here.
"Good morning Owen," I whisper back anyway, and I note pleasingly that today and last night he always used my full first name, not that nickname he gave me. It was one of the nicknames I was given by the cruel workers in the ring, but since Owen's started using it more, it's like he's reclaiming it. Maybe I wouldn't mind him calling me Evy once in a while.

"Uh, Evelina," he starts, his face once again a wary one, "I just wanna ask... was there any reason last night happened?"
I think about it, only to really have one answer. "I just... wanted you," I say simply, and it really was just as simple as that.

All day, I can't stop thinking about last night. What we did together, it was like a dance: we knew the basic steps, but we were teaching each other our personalised moves. While at my desk trying to read case files the police had sent over for some reason, I get shivers remembering how his forefinger traced its way from my lips down through my breasts across my stomach and down to where I shook all over. Making coffee for Jack, I overpour the cup because I was too busy thinking about how my mouth travelled all over his smooth luscious body and found places where he would bite his lip and try not to moan too loudly in response. The entire day, visions and memories flicker in and out of my mind of my bare chest pressed against his, his breath ragged and hot in my ear, the feeling I got like I had just tipped over a waterfall of pure pleasure.

I know I shouldn't have done that with my friend and flatmate and coworker, but it seemed we passed that long ago.
I can't stop wanting more of him.

Owen's POV

I can't stop thinking about her.

Last night... mind blowing. It was like we were in a league of our own. We found out so much about each other and, funnily enough, ourselves. I close my eyes and I can remember her breath getting heavier and starting to whimper as my mouth moved down her slowly. Slowly, always slowly - I know enough about her to know to take things slowly. It made things more heightened, like we had turned into graceful animals; smelling and sensing and feeling stronger than before.

Even when I open my eyes I can just picture her naked body folded around mine as mine was hers, slowly and passionately moving and finding our rhythm. It was the sweetest rhythm I'd encountered in so long. I can still taste her on my lips, if I try hard enough.

I walk like a zombie through the entire day, marking files wrong and nodding mindlessly in meetings, memories of last night still on my mind. Does it mean Evelina is ready for the next step? What even is our next step?

Whatever it is, I just hope I'm a part of it.

Evelina's POV

Even though I can't stop thinking about him, I try to avoid Owen as best as I can for the whole day. Jack asks us for a meeting, I sit at the head of the table so I'm not opposite him in any way; we both want a cup of tea, as soon as I see him come up the stairs I just pour myself a cup of hot water and grab a tea bag to go; he tries to come near me, I pretend Tosh asked me for something that I just need to pop over to her and discuss right now it can't wait. This odd dance goes on til we leave work earlier than usual as Jack got a confidential message from Torchwood One, which is when we begin to walk back to the flat together. How can I possibly ignore him now? Or those lips?

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