23. Something, Or Nothing?

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Evelina's POV

"God, what. A. Day!" I draw out in emphatic tones, and Owen chuckles in agreement and flops onto the sofa.

"Who knew that you can't play football inside the Hub, around computers, eh Evy?" Owen grins, and I aim for a playful swat at his head.
"Shut up! I've never played football before; how was I meant to know it's so haywire!"

"But you have to have just known that something would go wrong if you aimed a spherical object at a computer! Basic common sense, Evy!"

"I told Suzie I was really sorry, okay?"

"You think Suzie forgives anyone? Yeah right!"

I yell in laughter, remembering our coworkers face when I told her that I'd kicked the plug out of her computer and also maybe accidentally spilled coffee over her papers.
"The look she gave me - it was like a cat's bum had been sucking on a lemon!"

"Ew - Evy, I'm drinking a cup of tea, don't make me think of cat's arses!"

I'm still laughing as I ask, "Wait, when did you get that cup of tea?" before I notice that his face is overhead me. I can see up his nose - on a side note, man needs to pluck his nose hairs slightly. It's like I'm... on his lap?

He seems to realise this at the same time, and he roughly pushes me off of his lap that we didn't even realise I was on. He stands up so fast his tea almost spills onto the sofa we have to sleep on together tonight.
I sit bolt upright, confused. When did we get into that position of him with a cup of tea speaking to me whilst my head is lying in his lap? How did neither of us notice?

It takes me a while to look at Owen, my mind flashing with photos of men overhead smiling wicked grins and pushing me this way and that despite not wanting to think about it, but when I do he's looking as guilty and confused as I feel.
Neither of us understood what just happened; why we made a cup of tea and cuddled up talking about our day like some sort of... couple.

"I'm sorry, Evelina," he says gently, eyes downcast, his fingers tightening on his Superman mug he got from the charity shop. "I know that was a massive invasion, especially with what happened to you."

But surprisingly, I don't think about what happened to me after the initial shock at ending up in Owen Harper's lap; I think about how nice being in his lap was while it lasted.
"It's fine, Owen - it was just a shock, because I don't quite know how I got there."
He scratches the back of his head. "Yeah, me neither."

We watch each other, waiting for the other to say something, although I don't entirely know what.
It's like we were on autopilot, though we've never done anything like that before. That's couple stuff; we're friends. It was totally out of the blue, but... it felt normal.

We're interrupted by the crash of something, and we both move our focus to my bedroom, where Amber has undoubtedly broken or dropped something.
Trying to get distracted by the thought that I need my best friend to feel like we still love her despite her breaking something, I dash into the room, leaving Owen and the weird situation to him.

I'm sure it'll be forgotten in the morning; it was probably just some automatic thing learned from our forced nights on the sofa together, right?


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