18. Owen's First Alien Smackdown

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Owen's POV

Think, Owen, think - what in this alien's autonomy could puncture such a narrow hole into this human's sternum and remove the internal organs the same way?

I circle the recently dead body that's been laid on my autopsy table.
I don't know where she came from: Jack and Evy left it there while I went to the toilet this morning.

Sorry, sorry, Evelina - I don't know why she kicks up such a fuss when I call her that nickname. It's just a nickname; no need to be so sensitive. Though that's not the word I'd use to describe my flatmate. I'd say... unequivocal? Yeah, unequivocal, because I've never met anyone like her. I'm still trying to figure out if that's good or not.

Anyway, enough of my mysterious coworker, back to the body.
Jack left me an initial report from the scene: Toshiko was tipped off by someone that they'd seen some extraordinary thing around the quarry, so Jack and Evelina went to investigate - after a bit of cajoling Evelina; why wouldn't she want to go to a quarry? - and they found this alien doodah that was stalking around the site growing this massive pile of bodies; as soon as the alien saw them, it started to attack, so they contained it and have now with Suzie's help locked it in one of the cells.

In truth, I haven't gone down to the cells yet because I'm sort of afraid of what's in them.
I'm an open-minded guy - well, who wouldn't be in this line of work - but I wouldn't voluntarily go down there to gawp at the monsters and that unless there was a medical or investigative reason to.

Right now I'm content looking at dead bodies and helping heal people, like with Evy's friend Amber who still sleeps on Evy's bed and I have to check over every so often. Sorry, Evelina.

I know there's gonna be a time when I'm out in the field, like how Evelina once said that her very first time capturing an alien was her second day employed here. But I don't have to right now - we've got Jack and Evelina and Tosh and Suzie, we don't need me yet.

But that all changes when Suzie runs into the autopsy room, chucks me a gun, and says quickly, "The alien's escaped; we need everyone on hand to contain it before it reaches the outside!"

She speeds off again, leaving me with a gun in one gloved hand and a small mirror in the other. It takes me a moment to process what she just said.

Alien... contain... gun?!

I've never used a gun before. Sure, Suzie taught me to fire them when I started, but I've never used one.

I don't have time to think further because an almighty crash sounds out from the main room of the Hub, followed by shouts and reassurances and this unholy voice that sounds like someone's been chewing screws for breakfast. It doesn't half make my breakfast churn in my stomach.

Right, brave or not, the team needs me. Time to apprehend my first alien!

And, as I get to the top of the steps and see overturned chairs, scorch marks, and two of my four coworkers surrounding a horrendously large shiny green thing, I start to think maybe I could just go back down to my nice familiar safe autopsy room and kid on that I just fainted.

Oh Jesus, that's a big alien.
My first alien, and it's fucking huge. Just my luck. Just how do I apprehend this?
Buggery bugger, I'm gonna have to help my team.

I edge closer to my armed coworkers, because Doctor Owen Harper isn't scared of anything or anyone, and I'm totally ready to help, but then I think of something.
"Where are Evelina and Toshiko?"

"They're outside each door in case we can't contain it inside the Hub!" Suzie shouts back, rather pointedly looking at me and then the alien, and I finally get the message and stand with my boss to replicate his actions.

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